雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 天壇大佛坐落於昂坪大嶼山的木魚峰上,是香港最受歡迎的景點之一。 英文中常常就簡稱為大佛(Big Buddha 或者 Giant Buddha)。 天壇大佛於1993竣工,12月29日經佛家阿彌陀誕辰日開光,從此這座青銅佛便以其26.4米的高度和250公噸的重量,成為世界上第二大的坐佛。 之所以稱為天壇大佛,因為大佛的底座是按照北京的天壇而設計的。 如果你乘坐 昂坪360纜車 到訪大嶼山,那麼天壇大佛與昂坪360纜車站只有咫尺相隔。 其實在乘坐昂坪360纜車的過程中,你就應該已經可以遠遠的看到山頂上的天壇大佛了。 有趣的是,在天晴的能見度高的時候,你甚至可以從澳門看到天壇大佛。 如果乘坐飛機抵達香港國際機場,運氣好雲不多的時候也能看到天壇大佛… 【瞭解更多關於“昂坪360纜車”】 ]

  2. 從纜車上你可以鳥瞰大嶼山的美麗風景。 昂坪360纜車可愛的吉祥物. 昂坪360纜車連接著東涌市中心和昂坪,整個行程大約25-30分鐘。 在過去沒有昂坪360纜車日子裡,遊客想要上山遊玩只能乘坐 新大嶼山巴士23路 ,或者 順著曲折的山路自己爬上去 ,或者 乘坐出租車 。 巴士23路至今仍然在運營,算是所有上山方式中較為經濟的一種,只是耗時較長(大約1小時)。 但是在昂坪360纜車停運或者檢修的時候,乘坐新大嶼山巴士23路可能成為你唯一也是最好的選擇。 不過如果你容易暈車,就要慎重考慮了,畢竟走的都是盤山公路。 大嶼山的藍色出租車. 乘坐昂坪360纜車,你有兩個選擇: 普通車廂 和特別設計的 水晶車廂 。

  3. 查理布朗咖啡專門店(Charlie Brown Café)是一間以《花生漫畫》為主題的,融合動漫主題文化和咖啡文化的咖啡和甜品店。. 尤其是對於那些喜愛史努比(Snoopy),查理布朗(Charlie Brown)和他們所有朋友的你,這個咖啡店一定是讓你驚喜的選擇。. 查理布朗咖啡 ...

    • How Much Is Peak Tram ticket?
    • Get Extra Discounts and Entry Privilege Tickets
    • Opening Hours of Peak Tram
    • When Is The Best Time to Visit Peak Tram to Avoid Waiting ?
    • Where to Take The Peak Tram – Two Peak Tram Terminuses
    • How to Get to The Peak Tram Lower Terminus?
    • The Peak Tram Entertainment Zones

    The uphill ride starts from the Garden Road Peak Tram Lower Terminus. When you get there, you have two options: There are different combos available. Although you will not save money, some of them can entitle you using the Peak Tram express entry.

    Besides official site, extra discounts are available from authorized retailers. Discount prices are subject to change of promotion period. Entry privilege? You read right. As one of the most popular and convenient way getting up to the Peak, it’s not hard to imagine how often it’s getting crowded with a long waiting line. Queuing for 20-40 mins on ...

    Serving as the public transportation, Peak Tram starts operation very early in the morning daily. From 7:00 am to 12:00 midnight (Mon to Sun including holidays), visitors can use the service of Peak Tram traveling between the Peak and Central. Go Back to Top

    The Peak Tram can get to unbelievably crowded. When is the best time to go Peak Tram to avoid pushing, cutting lines and hours waiting? Technically, whenever there is a great weather or view from the Victoria Peak, the Peak Tram will get crowded. Especially if you would like to get there during the afternoon time with both day lights and night view...

    The Peak Tram has two terminuses: the Garden Road Lower Terminus and the Peak Upper Terminus. Most visitors will start with the uphill ride from the Garden Road Peak Tram Lower Terminus. If you decide to take a round trip ride, then it’s better to come downhill from the Upper Terminus. The Peak Tram Lower Terminus is located at the Garden Road Cent...

    You can either take Bus 15C which takes you directly to the Peak Tram Lower Terminus or get there on foot from MTR Central station.

    If you have to wait a long time before getting on tram, there are some entertainment zones on the right of waiting area, which will help you to bridge the waiting time. After you pass the barriers and enter the Peak Tram platform, you will spot the replica of 1st generation tramcar display. You are able to admire some key moments of Hong Kong histo...

  4. 誕生於2007年,由荷蘭藝術家Florentijn Hofman設計的可愛的長16.5米,6層樓高的吹氣橡皮鴨將抵達維多利亞港,並於5月2日至6月9日在海港城海運碼頭附近展出。

  5. 叮叮電車:電車往來堅尼地城和筲箕灣的線路全日免費開放。 請留意此優惠不適於 山頂纜車 . 旅行TIPS: 去年免費乘搭日,香港總商會曾在天星小輪上於金鐘電車站附近免費派發1000套香港總商會成立150週年紀念郵票。

  6. 小車的車身寫著“Mister Softee”,現在已更名為“Mobile Softee”。. 這些設計別致的小車不僅僅是售賣雪糕的流動點,更是傳遞著香港人的回憶和香港的文化. 幾十年來,【富豪雪糕流動車】的招牌音樂還是那首經典的 《藍色多瑙河》 。. 當你聽到這首熟悉的樂曲的 ...