雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年5月3日 · Considered a lesbian/bisexual star, her background before becoming a celebrity included working in a wagashi (traditional Japanese confection) factory, in a hostess club, and even in a funeral house. Maybe that's why she's never afraid of speaking her mind! Ayaka Ichinose & Akane Sugimori. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-i9EBFO_FI.

  2. 2017年7月4日 · Rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have seen improvements in Japan, with same-sex couples recognized by Sapporo and a few wards in Tokyo. Recognition comes in the form of legally non-binding certificates, which allow couples to be treated as if they’re married when it comes to things like life insurance or apartment rentals.

  3. 2017年6月19日 · New Web Series Shines Light on LGBT+ Community. While spokespeople and politicians are doing their best to give a face and voice to the LGBT+ community, now there’s a short film project that’s working at a grassroots level to openly reveal what it’s like to be a gay man in Japan, and it’s currently attracting a lot of attention online.

  4. 廣大的日本九州有著獨自的文化,受氣候與土壤的恩惠更孕育出不少個性豐富的景觀,個性迥異的七縣的自然之美,更擁有著魅力肆溢的觀光資源。 本篇網羅有16個九州絕景景點,同時根據行程參與的難易度,劃分成簡單、普通、困難三個階段,預計前往九州自由行的旅人,別忘了搭配那些景點為自己安排一個最合適的出行計畫囉! 【簡單】乘坐公共交通工具前往的景點. 治愈系風景! 大分縣「別府溫泉蒸汽展望台」 鐵輪溫泉的蒸汽、雄偉的鶴見岳、隨著四季不斷變換色彩的扇山。 站在這座展望台上,可將這些景色一覽無餘。 為了能讓您更好的了解蒸汽和山景,這裡設有簡單易懂的景點介紹銘牌。 別府的這座溫泉蒸汽展望台被NHK評選為「21世界最想留存下來的日本風景」第2名,僅次於大家熟知的富士山。

  5. 2016年8月16日 · Peko&Ryuchell的風格可是很多日本女高中生爭相模仿的呢。 http://girlschannel.net/topics/771675/ 雖然一開始有蠻多人很難接受他們的樣子。 特別是Ryuchell的風格...... 很多人會覺得明明是男孩子,怎麼辦成這樣呢,好可怕,之類的批評...... 更會覺得,男孩子不應該化妝等等之類的話。 但是,他們兩個上節目開朗有趣的個性特質還是漸漸自然地吸引了很多人。 所以,不管是怎麼樣的穿搭風格,就算自己覺得看起來很怪異或是不喜歡也不要先入為主的下評論。 畢竟這個世界正是因為不一樣才會如此多采多姿。 就像可愛的Peco & Ryuchell帶給我們非常夢幻粉嫩的世界以及許多歡樂♡ *想看更多有關他們的照片和生活,可以搜尋他們的SNS喔!

  6. 2017年10月16日 · LGBT Life in Japan FAQ. Discussions around sexual and gender rights are becoming more and more prevalent in Japan, and transgender rights are right at the center.

  7. 2017年11月2日 · Tokyo Rainbow Pride has caught national and international attention over the years, but plenty of other cities throughout Japan are going public with celebrations offering representation, support and plain old fun. Here are 10 of Japan’s best-kept-secret LGBT+ pride events outside Tokyo. 10. Pink Dot Okinawa (Okinawa)

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