雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年10月14日 · Welcome to the 1990s, when Japanese TV drama ratings were high and the programming reflected the first wave of vast social shifts that accompanied the bursting of the Bubble Economy. What better way to spend your stay-at-home time than binging on some great TV from Japan’s not-so-distant past?

  2. 2017年6月9日 · Western TV commercials typically start with a core "idea" of some sort: a message, concept, thought process or theory. This idea is thrown at the viewer with the goal of engaging them and making a lasting impression. Japanese TV commercials, on the other hand, are often based less on an idea than on a feeling: they aim to create an impression ...

  3. 深度日本 在日生活. 在細心及健全體制下建立而成的通學制度,透過「通學路」的設置培養孩子的獨立性。. 【日本美食】昔日庶民小吃攤料理的華麗轉身!. 在家也能動手做出媲美高級料亭的天婦羅. 日本料理 日本文化. 在江戶時代被譽為「江戶三味」之一的 ...

  4. With YouTube, students now have access to myriad free Japanese videos on any topic you could possibly desire. 1. Watch Language Learning Videos! You can find “how-to” videos for just about anything on YouTube, and language learning is no exception. Compared to studying at home with traditional video media (language-learning software or DVDs ...

  5. 2022年5月17日 · 高地 深度旅遊 愛媛 香川 德島 四國地區. pixta.jp. 2021年11月,世界知名旅遊指南《孤獨星球(Lonely Planet)》公佈了2022年推薦旅行目的地名單,日本「四國地區」獲選為最佳地區第6名,也是日本2022年唯一獲選,是什麼樣的魅力,讓四國從全日本、全世界中 ...

  6. 2013年4月11日 · In 2013, the residents of Nagano Prefecture witnessed first hand the beauty of Mr. Frost's work—with snow-covered sakura. Clear blue skies, perfect white snow and delicate pink flowers are what make up this stunning vista. This photo looks as if you're about to step into Narnia in springtime. Hopefully the flowers made it through the cold patch.

  7. 2020年11月12日 · I will continue to discharge my duties to the best of my ability now that I have been proclaimed the Imperial Heir, Crown Prince. I wish here to express most respectfully my humblest gratitude. In between these two events, the crown prince and princess visited the palace sanctuary.