雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Excluding the change in fair value of investment properties, segment profit before taxation was HK$109 million compared with HK$50 million in 2020. Following the commencement of lease for the entire data centre building in early 2021, the Group’s rental income contribution improved substantially.

  2. 陳永平先生,61歲,於2020 年4月28日獲委任為董事,並於2020 年10月30日獲調任為執行 董事。彼主要負責本集團的整體項目管理及日常運營管理。彼亦為我們所有附屬公司(即威威、盈盈、陳橋及盈威)的董事。彼為陳橋森先生的堂妹夫及陳翠盈小姐的堂

  3. Upon Completion, Thousand Vantage has become a non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Group and the financial results, assets and liabilities of Thousand Vantage Group will be consolidated into the financial statements of the Group. By Order of the Board.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 於本公告日期,執行董事為張力強先生及張曉峯先生;獨立非執行董事為海強先生、 石傲枝先生及何健先生。 本公告乃遵照 GEM 上市規則提供有關本公司之資料,各董事願共同及個別對此負全責。

  6. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconewsHKEX :: HKEXnews

    HKEX :: HKEXnews

  7. 偉倫先生,51歲,為本公司執行董事及本集團之營運總裁。 先 生於一九九七年加入本集團前,已擁有超過二十四年電子工業及貿

  8. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconewsE215825A WT Group 1.

    Hong Kong, 25 October 2021. As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. Kam Kin Bun (Chairman), Mr. Kung Cheung Fai Patrick and Ms. Wong Mei Chun as executive Directors; and Ms. Chan Sin Wa Carrie, Mr. Leung Chi Hung and Mr. Yu Tat Chi Michael as independent non-executive Directors.