雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 年齡 51 歲 曾執教 球隊 里賈納、 帕爾馬、 祖雲達斯、AC米蘭 安察洛堤 球員時代曾出席86年及90年世盃,95年開始轉任教頭,執教里賈納、帕爾馬及祖雲達斯都未能贏取任何重要錦標,直至01年成為AC米蘭主帥,躋身成為戰術大師,在任期間奪得2次歐聯錦標 ...

  2. 年齡 24 歲 今季英超 上陣/入球 3場/0球 占士米拿 02年以16歲之齡在列斯聯出道,並且成為英超史上最年輕入球球員,因而贏得「神童」之名,踢法攻守兼備,最擅長是邊線突破及底線傳中,08年加盟阿士東維拉後,表現更上一層樓,因而獲得英格蘭領隊 ...

  3. Send in a story about you or someone in the Club who is putting "Connect" in action, and making a real difference in one of three categories: 1) "Owning the problem" Unclear roles and responsibilities sometimes emerge when there is transition happening.

  4. Name(s): Chan Man Yan Superior Service, Get Connected! Dept(s): Cashbet Name(s):51 staff of San Po Kong Shung Ling Street Branch 219 Connect with customer by team spirit Dept(s): Cashbet Name(s): Sally Lam, Eugene Chan, Ken Sin, Alex Dept(s ...

  5. Hong Kong shows East Asia it can “Be the Legend” History was made from 5 to 13 December 2009 when Hong Kong successfully hosted its first-ever international multi-sports event, the 5th East Asian Games – and once again, The Hong Kong Jockey Club

  6. Here're some great "Connect" stories. Send in yours about you or someone in the Club who is putting "Connect" in action, and making a real difference in one of three categories:

  7. One for all and all for one Dept(s): Legal Services Name(s): Carrie Ng & Tammy Lam