雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2015年12月6日 · Fans of Studio Ghibli’s 1986 animated film Castle in the Sky will know Laputa as the mythical island that floats through the clouds. When the caldera basin fills with cloud, this particular patch of road appears to vanish into the sky, earning it the name "The Road to Laputa." If there’s anywhere in Japan you might catch a glimpse of the ...

  2. 2017年8月29日 · The path has glorious views across the caldera and much of Kumamoto Prefecture, rural beauty far away from the hustle and bustle of Japan’s major cities. According to the Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun Newspaper, on August 22 Aso City Council announced that it's considering closing down the Road to Laputa despite its popularity with tourists.

  3. 神社入口基本上有一個水槽和帶柄的勺子,用來給參拜者洗手漱口用,這個地方叫做“禦手洗”。洗手漱口的時候按照以下流程: 1.右手拿柄勺從水槽中取水沖幹凈左手。 2.左手拿著柄勺沖幹凈右手。 3.再用右手拿柄勺取水,將水放在左手的手掌,用其漱口。

  4. 2020年11月18日 · We've got just the video for you. The rope umbrellas will prevent the branches from breaking under heavy, wet snow. A gardener tosses ropes from a height of 14 meters. The ropes are then stretched from treetops to lower branches. This traditional task takes place every year at Kenroku-en, considered one of the three most beautiful gardens in Japan.

  5. Escape the Rat Race by Running in Shinagawa. Runner's Info Updated May 30, 2016. Sports Great Outdoors Tokyo Shinagawa. www.runnersinfo.org. Yuko Arimori, winner of a silver medal in Barcelona and a bronze medal in Atlanta, became the first-ever female Japanese medalist at the Olympic Games. Below she shares with us a little-known spot in Tokyo ...

  6. 2022年9月2日 · 在日本,盂兰盆节的时期,家家户户会拿出茄子和黄瓜供起来,有意思的是,茄子和黄瓜上还会安插上竹签做的“腿”:茄子代表牛,黄瓜代表马。. 它们分别被称为“精灵牛”和“精灵马”。. 马作为古人的主要交通工具,在这里代表着可以在盂兰盆节期间,将 ...

  7. 2017年6月27日 · First off, even under the new rules, permanent residency for “Cool Japan Human Resources” (as some are calling the classification) still requires at least one year working in Japan before you can apply. In other words, you’ll need to find a way to get a foot in the door of Japanese professional life before planting both feet here for good.