雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Citi Pay with Points憑分消費登陸百老匯院線! 依家憑Citi信用卡喺百老匯院線嘅App或網頁買完戲飛,就可以無縫用Pay with Points憑分消費,直接用積分抵銷戲飛簽賬!

  2. 好戲連場上映,著數連環不停! 依家憑Citi信用卡喺超過50間戲院網購戲飛,可享 8折 優惠,用埋獨家嘅 Citi Pay with Points,睇戲隨時唔使畀錢,依家憑指定Citi信用卡更可享兌換優惠!提提您 Shopping完想睇返信用卡簽賬紀錄? 唔洗等月尾statement喇,登入Citi ...

  3. Cardholders may redeem up to Eligible Transaction amount in full with Points or available Points at Eligible Card account (whichever is lower). Cardholders must redeem a minimum amount, which is subject to the minimum required Points shown in the Citi Pay with Points page under Golden Harvest Cinemas’ Online Platform for each redemption.

  4. Citibank uses cookies on this website to give you a better browsing experience. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our privacy policy and our use of cookies. Now you can offset your ticket transactions seamlessly using Citi Pay with Points at

  5. 花旗私人客戶業務 Citigold Citi Plus 國際個人銀行服務 花旗私人銀行 跨境理財 新 戶口類別及服務 出糧戶口 股票服務 定期存款優惠 環球理財 人民幣服務 支票及儲蓄 綜合貨幣戶口 Citibank 萬事達卡 ® 扣賬卡 Citibank Global Wallet 繳付賬單及轉賬 虛擬扣賬卡/信用卡

  6. 梗係將The Point積分轉換為Point Dollar7,去新地商場2,000+間參與商戶當現金使用8. 喺推廣期內仲可以額外賺相等於10% The Point積分回贈9,10,真正畀您賺上賺!. 推廣期內最高賺25,000 The Point積分 (價值HK$100)!. 備註:. 每250 The Point積分可兌換為HK$1 Point Dollar,The Point會員 ...

  7. The upgraded Citi Pay with Points x OpenRice has expanded into 3 NEW services to cater your dining needs for all occasions! In addition to voucher, you can now scan to pay at restaurants, order takeaway and book with pre-paid menu with your Citi Points instantly!

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