雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Step 5 – Sorting out any HSBC accounts. To move money out of the deceased's accounts with HSBC. Bereavement Guide - you may save an electronic copy of the Bereavement Guide. Alternatively, you may print out the Bereavement Guide. HSBC offers help and support to you to sort out practical matters and important financial decisions of someone you ...

  2. 中國政府宣佈了一系列政策寬鬆措施,包括降低個人住房貸款利率和地方政府購房計劃... [5月21日] 視野: 中港以外 日印韓股市或成亞洲亮點. 中國兩會於3月結束後,縱使當局已表明發展經濟及支持樓市的決心,但缺乏大型刺激政策的推行下... [5月7日] 聚焦中國:大灣區洞察——三問製造業高品質發展. 我們認為,大灣區將受益於政府對「新質生產力」的重視。 [4月19日] 聚焦東盟:增長前景改善.

  3. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...

    • 及早起步。很多人都以為只要臨近退休或者滿頭白髮的時候,才需要開始思考退休。但您這樣想就錯了,因為退休不一定是老年人的「專利」,無論您在哪個人生階段,只要您決定不再為工作奔波,不再靠定期出糧來生活,就是退休。
    • 清楚自己的退休目標。您的夢想是不是在峇里的沙灘大宅中享受生活?讀廚藝學校?80天環遊世界?終於下筆寫那本您講過無數次的書?抑或您純粹想提早退休?人人在退休後都有不同理想、目標和生活方式,所以訂立清晰目標,對規劃退休十分重要。
    • 堅守儲蓄計劃。訂立目標之後,就要著手定期儲蓄。有時候,您可能會很想將存起的錢用來買手袋或者度假,但記得「忍手」,堅守儲蓄習慣。要養成定期儲蓄的習慣,可以考慮每月自動轉賬,儲起一定收入作退休使費,或者選擇定期供款的投資產品。
    • 考慮長壽和通脹影響。準備好充足的儲蓄,是退休規劃的重要一步。但要達到這個目標,記得考慮通脹對退休儲備的影響。如果退休儲備的回報比通脹率低,儲蓄的機會成本就可能會更高。
  4. Sorting out HSBC accounts. To move money out of the deceased’s accounts with HSBC. We try to keep this as simple as possible but there are some processes that we must follow. Therefore, to help you understand what to expect, we have summarised what would probably happen for different types of product or service held with us.

  5. Handling small estate. If the deceased’s entire estate in HKSAR as at the date of death does not exceed HKD50,000 in total, and the deceased does not hold any property as a trustee or as the manager of a Tso or Tong, a 'Confirmation Notice' may be applied for instead of the Grant of Representation. Applying for the Confirmation Notice is ...

  6. 網路安全及防詐騙資訊中心. Y世代(25-39歲) 網戀騙局偷心又偷金,您會中招嗎? 「我和您一樣,都受過情傷,遇上您真的太幸運了。 「我好想您,您這幾天做了些甚麼? 「我現在人在外國,不能和您見面,剛好攝像頭又壞了,運氣也太差了。 「我這陣子周轉困難,您可以先匯款幫我嗎? 幾千元也行。 不想誤中情騙陷阱? 網戀騙案您要知,更要做足防範措施。 我們幫您了解騙徒的犯案手法,讓您小心提防,以免當局者迷,最終上當被騙。