雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 「學生人身平安險」( 下稱“ 本計劃”) 由中銀集團保險承保。 Student Personal Accident Insurance (named below as “this Plan”) is underwritten by BOCG Insurance. 中國銀行(香港)有限公司、南洋商業銀行有限公司、集友銀行有限公司、中銀信用卡( 國際) 有限公司及其他代理銀行(各稱為“ 代理銀行/ 代理”)以中銀集團保險的委任保險代理身份分銷本計劃,本計劃為中銀集團保險的產品,而非代理銀行/ 代理的產品。

  2. “Third Party Liability Protection” provides cover against the legal liability in respect of third party bodily injury and/or third party property damage arising out of carrying out of the contract works. This protection can be insured on standalone basis. 每宗事故的最高賠償金額,每一保險期內不設索償次數上限。 Limit of indemnity per any one accident.

  3. 1. 請以英文正楷填寫本投保書及在適當方格內加「 」號。本申請須經核保程序。投保書上如有任何更改,請於更正資料旁簽署作實。Please complete the form in English BLOCK LETTERS and please put a “ ” in the box as appropriate. This application is subject

  4. 1. 投保公司負責人請以英文正楷填寫及在適當方格內加「 」號。任何答案如有更改,敬請在旁簽署。The proposed Insured Company has to complete the form in English BLOCK LETTERS and please put a “ ” in the box as appropriate.

  5. 1. 請以英文正楷填寫及在適當方格內加「 」號。任何答案如有更改,請投保人在旁簽署。Please complete in English BLOCK LETTERS and tick the box where appropriate. Any changes to be made should be signed by the Proposer. 2. *請刪去不適用者3.

  6. 若此投保書所含的內容與保單條款有任何歧異,概以保單為準。. In the event that the information contained in this proposal form does not conform to the terms in any policy issued, the policy terms shall prevail. 「周全家居綜合險」 (下稱“本計劃”)由中銀集團保險承保。. “Premier Home Comprehensive ...

  7. 1. 請以英文正楷填寫及在適當方格內加「 」號。任何答案如有更改,請投保人在旁簽署。 Please complete in English BLOCK LETTERS and tick the box where appropriate. Any changes to be made should be signed by the Proposer. 2. *請刪去不適用者3.