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  1. 長笛是一種歷史悠久的吹管樂器,最初期的長笛是用植物的莖部來製造。於十九世紀時,一位德國長笛演奏家貝恩 (Theobald Boehm) 改良了長笛的指法系統,並發明了金屬造長笛。價格較昂貴的長笛會是全手工製造,物料包括純、黃金和白金。

  2. 建議零售價. $79.00. 數量. 加入購物車. 分享這個:. 透過本書的精心編排,所有口琴的技巧一覽無遺。. 隨著本書內容指導學習,很快可以進入吹奏音樂的世界,享受到合奏與獨奏的樂趣。. 透過本書的精心編排,所有口琴的技巧一覽無遺。. 隨著本書內容指導學習 ...

  3. 古代埃及的小號. 小號結構大致分為吹嘴 (Mouthpiece)及管身 (Body),而管身則由調音管 (Tuning slide)、活塞鍵 (valves)及喇叭口 (Bell)組成。 現代小號及其結構. 小號音色雄壯、清澈而響亮,音域約有兩個半八度。 有些小號是金色,有些則是銀色,其實這是源於不同材料和外表處理手法製作而成的差異。 根據材料和外表處理手法的不同,吹奏時的音色亦可能有些差異。 吹奏時,右手食指、中指、無名指按鍵,左手用來協助穩住樂器,嘴唇貼近吹嘴,震動嘴唇及帶動管身內之空氣震動而發聲。 小號吹奏者通過控制嘴唇間的空隙、呼氣量及震動的力度等來改變音量、音調及音色。 吹奏小號的姿勢. 有人認為肺活量大的人才適合吹奏小號,其實初學者只要掌握運氣之道,就可以開始學習。

  4. Scarlett interfaces sit at the heart of more music-making, recording and production spaces than any other range, and 18i20 is Scarlett’s most versatile interface. The rack-mountable 3 rd Generation 18i20 gives you 18 inputs and 20 outputs of incredible sound quality. Enough to make any space into a fully-fledged recording studio.

  5. 18歲展開教學生涯, 曾在各大小樂器行擔任電吉他與電貝斯教師10餘年.

  6. PRODUCT CODE: 043/HL142151. Suggested Retail Price. $207.00. Quantity. Purchase In-Store>>. Share this: When Taylor Swift's first official “pop” album, 1989 was released in October 2014, it quickly achieved record-breaking sales. According to Billboard®, it sold almost 1.3 million copies in its debut week, the largest sales week for an ...

  7. Scarlett interfaces sit at the heart of more music-making, recording and production spaces than any other range, and 18i20 is Scarlett’s most versatile interface. The rack-mountable 3 rd Generation 18i20 gives you 18 inputs and 20 outputs of incredible sound quality. Enough to make any space into a fully-fledged recording studio.