雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2019年11月22日 · Unlike Japan’s many limited-time themed restaurants, the AKB48 Cafe is a permanent eatery…or at least it was one. However, on November 18 the management crushed the hearts of fans with the unexpected announcement that both the cafe and its attached shop will be closing for good at the end of the year. “Thank you for your continued ...

  2. 2018年8月24日 · In Japan, the term “idol” (アイドル) tends to refer to manufactured bands or singers; for a western parallel, think Backstreet Boys or Spice Girls. These days, the most popular groups are large girl bands (some with literally dozens of members), though small groups or solo performers aren't unheard of either. Boy bands also have a long ...

  3. 其三,AKB48組合的培養方式和寶塚歌舞劇團完全不同。 寶塚歌舞劇團要嚴格訓練聲樂和舞蹈,無論登台表演還是在鏡頭前都具備專業素質,而AKB48她們是粉絲身邊的偶像,她們在台上主要跳舞,歌曲只要清新明快就可以,而且是合唱,不需要專業歌手的水平。

  4. 2024年5月20日 · AKB48 Café Suddenly Closing After 8 Years Cafés Music AKB48, Japan’s most popular idol group, gets its name from having 48 core members and being based in Tokyo’s Akihabara district, which is nicknamed Akiba. However, the neighborhood is going to be

  5. 이번에, Brian은 도쿄 스카이트리 근처에 있는 라멘 체인점 '라멘 다이'에서, AKB48의 멤버인 레나 노자와와 함께 타워 크기의 라멘에 도전했습니다. 비디오로 확인해보세요! 촬영 뒷이야기는 아래 Brian의 블로그에서 볼 수 있습니다! - www.ramenadventures.com.

  6. 島上最高的山為標高只有453公尺的神峰山。從山上的展望台,可一覽瀨戶內海上的小島們,如果喜歡拍照的朋友,美景當前必定捨不得放下鏡頭。此外,島上擁有長達34公尺,可繞島一周的自行車專用道,在各港口的遊客中心,提供有普通和電動自行車的租借服務。

  7. 縣境相連的愛知縣、三重縣、岐阜縣中的香嵐溪、御在所岳、大矢田楓葉谷賞楓景點,每到秋天便能欣賞到被染成火紅色、杏橙色與金黃色的楓葉絕景。那繽紛的色彩不僅訴說著秋天的到來,同時也將原本寂靜的自然帶來生氣,特別推薦給想開發新賞楓景點的旅人囉!

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