雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 單單是教主盧瀚霆Anson Lo和呂爵安Edan),還有特別演出的姜濤這個黃金Mirror陣容已夠叫坐力除此之外還有演技派張繼聰及白只擔大旗。 《盜月者》由袁劍偉執導,劇情類別為犯罪電影,一眾演員飾演偷呃拐騙專家,鬥智又鬥力。 姜濤更會於戲中飾演大反派角色,年紀輕輕就叫做「萊叔」。...

  2. Starring Anson Lo Hon-ting and Edan Lui Cheuk-on of the popular Hong Kong boy band Mirror, the series received positive reviews and became the network’s highest-rated drama series since its ...

  3. 2023年7月7日 · Lo wore a bright-coloured outfit for his most recent project, a dance version music video for his 12th track "Nah". He paired a red Diesel tank top, which features a cut out on the chest, with a ...

  4. 劇情講述郭富城飾演的梅藍天策劃「閃電械劫」,並在偶然機會下逼迫任賢齊飾演的老人院社工幕容輝及林家棟飾演的的士司機笠水共同結盟執行計劃,卻意外掀起臨時械劫追逐戰。 而這同時也是郭富城從影以來首次飾演悍匪,「哨牙」造型也作出大突破! 上映日期:2024年2月9日. 4. 2024農曆新年賀歲片:《劇場版SPY × FAMILY CODE: White》 雖然人氣動漫《SPY ×...

  5. • 3 個月. 韓國是醫美產業最發達的國家,也是全球最重視外貌的國家,甚至有父母會在子女18歲時,準備一大筆錢讓孩子去整形。 因為擁有優越的外貌,在韓國無論做甚麼都會更順利一點,即使不開刀,其他醫美相關管理在韓國也是隨處可見,也不免被吐槽全都靠整容。 但在外貌最焦慮的偶像圈中,卻有一群人是讓人超羨慕的純天然帥哥、母胎美人,以下盤點10位「純天然」偶像韓星,一起來看看都有誰吧!...

  6. Story by Edmund Lee. • 1mo. Yuen Kim-wai's movie about a Tokyo watch heist is a textbook crime thriller, but Anson Lo and Edan Lui's charismatic performances help make it fun to watch. Keung...

  7. Mirror’s Edan Lui turns 27: the Cantopop star’s career so far, from ViuTV’s King Maker with Keung To and Anson Lo, to award-winning solo music, praiseworthy acting roles and rocking Bulgari ...

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