雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 智在遊. 「智在遊」為您提供不同級別的計劃及周全的保障,是您遨遊天下的明智之選。.

  2. 我打算投保「智在遊」單次旅程保障,如果我與朋友一同外遊,我們是否需要各自投保旅遊保險?. 不需要。. 「智在遊」單次旅程保單最多可保障 20 位受保人。. 您只需於投保時選擇「個人」保費組別及受保人數即可。. 投保人、受保人及受益人有什麼分別 ...

  3. With a range of distinctive plans and comprehensive coverage, Travel Smart is your best travel companion.

  4. 藍十字保險提供一站式網上保險服務,致力為個人及企業客戶提供各種生活上的保障,包括:醫療、旅遊及一般保險,成為客戶的最佳個人保險伙伴,一起策劃「智」勝人生。.

  5. You have to enrol in Travel Smart with the premium fully paid before immigration clearance when departing Hong Kong. If you enrol in Multi-trip Cover, you must register your trip via Blue Cross website prior to the date of departure.

  6. Blue cross旅遊保險計劃頗具靈活性提供多次旅程保障(即是全年三次旅程,保費相對單程就更平),亦保障因超額訂票而導致的住宿及交通損失,適合擔心overbooked而未能上機的旅遊達人。

  7. Blue Cross provides one-stop online insurance service with a comprehensive range of products including medical, travel and general insurance, which cater to the needs of both individual and corporate customers for protection in their everyday life.

  8. ap.bluecross.com.hk › travelagent › mainsessionBlue Cross Insurance

    Blue Cross Insurance. With a series of Blue Cross travel insurance plans, you can get prepared for your trip as normal travel resumes. For information of travel protection under COVID-19, please click here. 隨著旅遊活動逐步復常,藍十字一系列旅遊保障為您出行做好準備。. 有關COVID-19的旅遊保障安排,請按 此.

  9. ap.bluecross.com.hk › shared › leafletsTravel Smart

    周全保障. 醫療費用保障及個人意外保障分別高達HK$1,200,000. 回港後90天內覆診費用,包括所有中醫治療. 24小時全球緊急援助,包括不設上限的緊急運送及送返起保地點(有關費用不會從「醫療費用保障」的賠償額扣除) 外遊警示伸延保障全面覆蓋黃、紅及黑色外遊警示級別. 保障消閒及非專業性質的運動,包括滑雪及其他冬季運動、潛水、跳傘、笨豬跳、高山遠足及各種水上活動. 單次旅程保障提供郵輪計劃,涵蓋郵輪旅程取消及阻礙、岸上觀光取消及衛星電話費用. 計劃特點. 1. Market. 當地旅遊團取消保障涵蓋當旅遊景點因不可預測的嚴重破壞而關閉,或當地旅遊承辦商倒閉時不能退回的 已預支費用. Overbooked.

  10. Blue CrossTravelElite gives you peace of mind by protecting you against all these and more, whether you are embarking on your self-guided tour, joining a group tour or even for a business trip, TravelElite ensures that your travels are nothing but safe and pleasant! All-round Coverage.

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