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  1. 2023年11月23日 · 日期 2023-11-23. 更新 2024-05-21. 點解要做身體檢查? 身體檢查能定期檢測身體的健康狀況,有助於預防疾病、早期發現潛在問題、獲得身體狀況的基準數據,以及促進健康生活方式,是維持健康和提高生活質素的重要一步。 定期做身體檢查有甚麼好處? 定期做身體檢查有以下好處: 預防疾病:定期檢查有助醫生發現早期潛在的健康問題,並採取預防措施,從而降低患病風險。 早期發現疾病:許多疾病在早期階段並無症狀,通過定期檢查,可以及早發現疾病,提高治療成功的機會。 管理慢性病:對於已經存在的慢性病患者而言,定期檢查有助監測病情,調整治療方案,控制疾病進展。 提供健康建議:醫生可以根據檢查結果提供飲食、運動及減壓等健康建議,幫助維持健康生活方式。

  2. 2023年6月28日 · Regular body checks are crucial for detecting and preventing health issues before they become serious. Learn about what health screening involve and how often you should get medical check up.

  3. The GHK Wellness Package is a one-stop "Medical Insurance + Health" service product jointly launched by Bowtie and the Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital (GHK). This wellness package serves as an rider for the Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan. Flexi Plan customers can add this wellness package for an additional $200/month to enjoy: 1.

  4. Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan. Up to $1M annual benefit limit with no lifetime limit. Reimbursement for diagnosis, hospitalization and day/inpatient surgery up to benefit items limit (Any hospital) Up to $220K Supplementary Major Medical (SMM) Limit. +. CUHKMC Wellness Package. Annual core health check-up and optional health check items ^

  5. 2024年3月11日 · 1. Full reimbursement for 360+ medical packages with transparent prices 2. One-stop "Medical Insurance + Wellness" solution for "Cashless Hospitalisation" experience 3. Yearly personalised free check-ups with targeted examinations recommended by doctors. Author Bowtie Team. Date 2024-03-11. Updated on 2024-03-11.

  6. 2021年4月8日 · Product launch. VHIS. Health. The rider offers a comprehensive healthcare experience, including free body checks, and full coverage of the hospital’s packaged medical treatment plans, allowing our customers to enjoy a guaranteed full reimbursement medical protection and wellness services at an affordable price. Learn more in blog. ← Back to Index.

  7. 2021年7月28日 · Hong Kong’s first virtual insurer Bowtie Life Insurance (Bowtie) and leading healthcare service provider JP Partners Medical today launched Bowtie & JP Health, a one-stop healthcare centre that advocates the importance of wellness and preventive healthcare.