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  3. 2023年7月18日 · 百老匯音樂劇《貓》桃園20日首登場 演員曝超愛手搖飲. 在台巡演20周年的傳奇性百老匯音樂劇《貓》,深受民眾喜愛,今年已在高雄、台中完成演出 ...

  4. 2023年12月25日 · Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to detect if it was a legitimate call or not worth your time. If you want help identifying if someone you spoke to over the phone was a scammer, check out how...

  5. (中央社記者王寶兒台北11日電)名導李安電影「囍宴」(The Wedding Banquet)全新改編音樂劇5月將在台灣首演,且首度邀請曾在百老匯音樂劇「阿拉丁 ...

  6. 2023年11月8日 · The Broadway is a new restaurant venue on the edge of the Orient Car Park at the Trafford Centre, and features a team of staff who are all professional singers. Customers are taken on a...

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  7. 2024年4月12日 · Nothing gold can stay, but Broadway newbie Brody Grant isn't going anywhere. Grant is one of many cast members making their Broadway debut in the musical adaptation of The Outsiders, which ...