雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The cherry blossom, or sakura, is the flower of trees in Prunus subgenus Cerasus. "Sakura" usually refers to flowers of ornamental cherry trees, such as cultivars of Prunus serrulata, not trees grown for their fruit [1] : 14–18 [2] (although these also have blossoms ).

  2. 2024年1月28日 · 踏入春天的賞花季節,香港都開展了香港的櫻花季,位於赤鱲角南路的東涌櫻花園開花了,最新種植的85棵櫻花樹成為一條條的櫻花大道,即刻看看香港櫻花地圖及東涌櫻花2024開放時間,把握機會去賞花吧!

  3. The cherry blossom (桜, sakura) is Japan's unofficial national flower. It has been celebrated for many centuries and holds a prominent position in Japanese culture. There are dozens of cherry tree varieties in Japan, most of which bloom for just a few days in spring .

  4. The cherry blossoms start blooming in the southern part of Japan and gradually make their way north. Follow the cherry blossom front here and see historical trends including date of first bloom and full bloom.

  5. 東京都 文京區. 櫻花 或 櫻花樹 是 薔薇科 李屬 櫻亞屬 ( 學名 :Prunus subgen. Cerasus )植物的統稱。 根據不同的語境,櫻花有時是指植物本身,有時是指所開的 花朵 。 人們通常所稱的櫻花是指觀賞性的櫻花,而不是生產 食用果實的櫻花 。 [1] [2] 概述 [ 編輯] 櫻花在幾百萬年前起源於喜馬拉雅地區,之後向北溫帶其他地區擴散,約在漸新世和中新世時期,其中一支經由今中國東部到達朝鮮半島和日本列島。 [3] 因此,櫻花是 中國大陸 、 台灣 、 朝鮮 、 韓國 和 日本 等東亞地區的常見物種。 櫻花的野生品種主要廣泛分布在北半球。 [4] [5] [6] 在歐洲和北美的主流分類中,用於觀賞的櫻桃樹被歸入 李屬 ,該屬大約有400種。

  6. 2024年1月29日 · If you’re looking to enjoy the blooming petals of the cherry blossom on Hong Kong Island, look no further than Quarry Bay! The Promenade, which is often frequented by joggers, dog walkers, and tai chi enthusiasts, is home to several cherry trees that blossom in.

  7. 2024年2月2日 · Beautiful yet fleeting—that’s how many describe cherry blossoms. The flower, also known as sakura, has become synonymous with revival, rebirth, and a fresh start. It blooms during spring, which ushers in a new beginning in Japanese culture.

  8. The best places to see cherry blossoms — or sakura trees — in Hong Kong include the HKIA Cherry Blossom Garden in Chek Lap Kok and more. You don’t have to travel to Japan or Korea to see sakura trees — that’s right, there are a few seasonal spots

  9. Cherry Blossoms. Long a big favourite among flower lovers, there are many varieties of cherry blossoms in masses of stunning white, light pink to dark pink flowers. It is a deciduous tree in the family Rosaceae. The cherry blossom season is in spring. The warmer the weather, the earlier the flowering period starts.

  10. 2023年6月8日 · Hong Kong is home to a variety of cherry blossoms, including Taiwanese and Japanese cherry varieties. Velodrome Park primarily features Taiwan cherry trees, while Tai Po Waterfront Park and Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden offer different and more unique cherry varieties such as Yoshino cherry and Fuji cherry, respectively.

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