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  1. 2019年4月17日 · iDeCo accounts were created by the government to encourage individuals to save and invest their hard-earned cash for retirement. They are similar to 401k accounts in the U.S. but the contribution limits are lower—between ¥12,000 and ¥68,000 (about US$100 to $600) per month, depending on your employment status.

  2. 2020年1月22日 · The ¥1,000 is the smallest denomination of Japanese bills, and is worth about US$9 (or €8). Japanese banknotes are all different sizes, which makes them quite easy to tell apart. The ¥1,000 is 76 x 150 millimeters (about 3 x 6 inches). On one side is the famed Japanese bacteriologist, Dr. Hideyo Noguchi.

  3. 2020年5月8日 · The government announced plans to offer a relief package of ¥100,000 to every individual in Japan, including foreign residents. Check out our brief guide on eligibility for the ¥100,000 COVID-19 fund and how to get it.

  4. 橫濱地標塔 (The Landmark Tower) 擁有70樓層,高相當於296公尺的橫濱地標塔,是日本第2高的大樓,從橫濱市中心抬頭就能看見,不僅是在橫濱未來港,在橫濱市內這座地標塔也可以稱得上是最具代表性的醒目建築了,因此也自然深深吸引著每一位遊客,想來這裡一探 ...

  5. 來到關西,尤其是到了大阪,一定要品嘗的就是他們的燒肉。燒肉在大阪可說是足以媲美章魚燒的美食,其中被譽為日本國寶級美食的黑毛和牛更是名揚海外,在國內外都受到許多人的歡迎。通常想吃到黑毛和牛,大筆鈔票的話都是免不了的。不過來到大阪你可以用最經濟實惠的價格吃到頂級的和牛 ...

  6. 喜歡乳液質地的朋友們或需要有些失望了,在「女人我最大」推薦的網絡人氣單品的「KISS ME奇士美藥用維生素E護手霜・キスミー薬用ハンドクリーム」採用的是膏狀設計,但塗後並無油膩感。提醒大家這款護手霜略帶些藥味,建議買之前先試用下看合適不合適自己。

  7. 3種路線套餐可供選擇!. 體驗豪華巡遊觀光巴士「海風」號之旅,盡享豐富套餐!. 第一次來佐世保的遊客,即使待上半天都能盡情感受到這裡的獨特魅力。. 接下來就介紹一下推薦的路線。. 一天三班讓您的出行更加便利 (每週四運休),. 除此之外的運休信息 ...

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