雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 助您找到您喜歡的早晨咖啡!. 由SCA資深認可導師 (AST)、CQI咖啡品質鑑定師 (Q Grader)及CQI講師營運,專門提供SCA所有科目課程、CQI課程,企業機構團體工作坊、咖啡顧問一站式服務。.

  2. Coffee Public 是一個概念也是一個實質的平台,我們希望透過CP(簡稱)這個平台,讓公眾(Public)可以去學習、感受及投入咖啡這片有無限變化和樂趣的領域。

  3. SCA專業咖啡證書課程, 分為6個不同範疇課程, 分別為咖啡基礎(SCA CSP Introduction to Coffee)、咖啡生豆(SCA CSP Green Coffee)、感官(SCA CSP Sensory Skills)、 萃取(SCA CSP Brewing)、意式咖啡(SCA CSP Barista Skills)、咖啡烘焙

  4. Coffee Training Academy in Hong Kong. Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Education. First Academy in Hong Kong introducing All SCA modules (CSP, CSusP, CTechP) Join our SCA courses! See our Educator's Qualifications. WE TEST. Coffee is roasted and tested in a serious way before serving to you.

  5. This programme is designed for students to acquire the required courses towards "SCA Café Diploma", "SCA Sustainable Coffee Diploma" awarded by Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). Students completing this programme satisfactorily will simultaneously complete 2 out of 3 levels of the specialist module “Barista Skills” (namely Foundation ...

  6. 2021年4月10日 · 簡介. 課程為咖啡愛好者或有意投身咖啡行業人士提供專業知識,內容涵蓋咖啡生豆處理、烘焙、調配及沖煮等。 課堂強調提供實踐及體驗機會,使學員能掌握實務咖啡沖煮技巧,提升對咖啡行業的認識。 內容. 咖啡歷史文化及行業概覽. 咖啡豆分類及烘焙知識. 常見意式咖啡種類介紹. 咖啡調配及常見咖啡沖煮方法. 課堂實習. - 調配手沖咖啡、濃縮咖啡、奶泡咖啡及鮮奶咖啡. - 鮮奶咖啡拉花. 證書. 學員成功修畢課程,出席率達75%或以上,可獲頒發香港青年協會證書。 導師. 經營咖啡店多年,具豐富業界經驗及專業咖啡豆烘焙、拼配、品評和沖泡知識,曾受邀為各大機構舉辦講座、工作坊及咖啡課程,教學經驗豐富。 相關課程. 返回課程一覽. 登記成為青協會員,盡享各種會員福利! 了解更多.

  7. TRUE COFFEE is a specialty coffee company based in Hong Kong that is to promoting the specialty coffee culture. With years of teaching experience we offer a range of services to engage coffee enthusiasts, including customized coffee classes, SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) certification courses, and coffee workshops.

  8. From growing the beans through drying, roasting, brewing and finally drinking, this programme provides an overview of the coffee value chain. In terms of coffee brewing, students will learn about the various methods and devices for brewing coffee and the brewing variables that affect quality.

  9. This programme is designed for students to acquire the required courses towards "SCA Café Diploma", "SCA Sustainable Coffee Diploma" awarded by Specialty Coffee Association (SCA). Students completing this programme satisfactorily will simultaneously complete 2 out of 3 levels of the specialist module “Barista Skills” (namely Foundation ...

  10. Top coffee shops, from local chain The Coffee Academics and indie darling Knockbox all the way up to industry giant Starbucks, have begun to cater to coffee geeks and aspiring baristas alike...

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