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  1. As requested in your letter dated July 6, we sent you the samples via UPS on July 8. When sending you our samples, we also informed you the price with samples. On July 15 we submitted to you a Debit Note No.7112-8 for the sample charges.

  2. GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY. 一般授權委託書. I, __ (1) __ ,of __ (2) __ ,hereby appoint __ (3) __ ,of __ (4) __ ,as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect ...

  3. 樓上房屋漏水要求修繕存證信函. 敬啟者:本人所有不動產座落於00市00路00號0樓,於00年00月起發現屋頂天花板有漏水現象,經查座落於00市00路00號0樓房屋係台端等人(詳如建物登建謄本)共同持有之不動產,本人多次向台端請求協調處理未果,並於00年00月0日經 ...

  4. 希伯來書第六章4-8節 各家說法. 希伯來書第六章4-8節 各家說法. 4. 因為(gar,中文未譯)這個連接詞,很明確的把前後銜接起來。. 這完全在乎第6節的假設子句所說的情況是否真的發生。. 作者在多次多方使用“不能”(adynaton)這個字發人省思。. 這裏說到在 ...

  5. 連同取款指示書一併寄往代收行求償票款。取款指示書有 Cash Letter 及 Collection Letter 兩種方式。前者係將票據委由代收行,以票據交換方式取款,後者則係將票據寄往付款行或委由代收行向付款行請求付款。(2) 票據影印本之留存:票據應保有 ...

  6. 自書遺囑範本(應親筆書寫). 推薦 5 收藏 6 轉貼 0 訂閱站台. 自書遺囑範本(應親筆書寫). 立遺囑人 . 為避免突然身故,親人無所適從,特立本遺囑,內容如下:. 一、存款部分:. (一) 銀行定期存款五百萬(存款號碼: ,置於 銀行保險 箱),全部歸配偶 ...

  7. Quadtrees. A quadtree is a representation format used to encode images. The fundamental idea behind the quadtree is that any image can be split into four quadrants. Each quadrant may again be split in four sub quadrants, etc. In the quadtree, the image is represented by a parent node, while the four quadrants are represented by four child nodes ...

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