雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 銀行提款卡. 以申請人個人名義持有的本港港幣銀行戶口證明以用作安排貸款過數 (需清楚列有申請人的姓名及銀行戶口號碼)。 舉例如銀行提款卡、銀行戶口月結單或存摺首頁等等。 清楚顯示申請人的姓名及銀行戶口號碼. 拍攝時角度太傾斜或反光引致資料未能清楚顯示. 銀行戶口月結單. 若文件正本的大小為A4或以上,請提供顯示整份文件的圖像 及 該文件頂部約1/3範圍近鏡的圖像各一。 顯示整份文件的圖像. 相關文件頂部約1/3範圍的近鏡,並可清楚顯示發信之銀行機構名稱、申請人姓名、收件地址及銀行戶口號碼. 未能顯示整份文件及整個銀行戶口號碼. 未能顯示整份文件及銀行戶口號碼. 上載文件需知: 申請人必須提供以上兩種文件以作身份核實及安排貸款過數。 本公司亦有可能要求個別申請人提供其他所需文件。

  2. Promise Referral Program. Existing member who successfully refer a relative/ friend to apply and withdraw the loan by 24 August 2024, referrer will receive a cash reward of HK$1,000 . Details. Apply Now. Get a Personal Loan anytime, anywhere you are. The application process is quick and easy.

  3. 4種低成本創業途徑. 低成本創業方法1:網路行銷諮詢. 利用您的數碼行銷技能,為其他企業提供線上廣告、社群媒體管理和搜尋引擎優化服務。 低成本創業方法2:自製手工藝品. 如果您擅長製作手工藝品,可以在市場上銷售自己製作的產品,例如飾物、皮革製品或裝飾品。 低成本創業方法3:家庭託管服務. 提供兒童託管、寵物照顧或家務服務,滿足當地社區的需求,讓您以最低成本創業。 低成本創業方法4:線上教育. 製作和銷售線上課程,分享您的專業知識,如烹飪、音樂或外語教學。 創業經費預算. 現時創業成本已經不像以往那麼高,而且上述亦提到不少低成本創業方法。 雖然現時創業的啟動資金要求較低,但仍然需要穩定的資金來源,因此需確保事先計劃好以下各方面的支出。 生活費用.

  4. You are required to upload documents for online application. Find out more about how to upload copies of your ID card, debit card, or bank statement now.

  5. Applying for Promise loan online is quick and convenient. You can test your loan eligibility by filling in simple personal information only. The loan is transferred immediately upon approval! Get your urgent financial needs resolved now.

  6. It is our pleasure to assist you! If you have further questions, or you cannot find the answers here, please contact our customer service representative at 3199 1199 or click here to contact us. Any doubt towards the loan application? Promise can help! Get a Personal Loan in only three steps. Apply online and get approved instantly. Learn more now!

  7. You can apply for the tertiary student loans with only your student card/ admission offer letter, HKID card, mobile phone number, and bank account. Depending on the financial status and the credit score of the applicant, the maximum loan amount is up to HK$15,000.

  8. Promise offers a variety of loan products for different financial issues. You can apply online without showing up. Learn more and find the optimum plan now.

  9. Promise's revolving loan scheme allows you to withdraw approved revolving loan amount at any time, with the ability to adjust the repayment period and amount, to solve your immediate cash flow needs conveniently and flexibly. See Loan Offers Calculate Your Loan Repayment.

  10. It is our pleasure to assist you! If you have further questions, or you cannot find the answers here, please contact our customer service representative at 3199 1199 or click here to contact us. Any enquiries about revolving loans? Get revolving spare cash via the Promise Revolving Loan to meet your urgent financial needs.

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