雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Remembrance beyond images. Tokyo Photographic Art Museum. 2024.3.1 - 2024.6.9. This group exhibition takes a fresh look at what photography and video means to contemporary artists from Japan and overseas. People’s recollections are considered in terms of both personal memories and public images. Adults ¥700.

  2. This group exhibition takes a fresh look at what photography and video means to contemporary artists from Japan and overseas. People’s recollections are considered in terms of both personal memories and public images.

  3. 東京都寫真美術館 東京都写真美術館. 東京都目黑區三田1-13-3 惠比壽花園廣場內. Updated: December 14, 2023. 聚焦於生活、人生及社會的剪影. 東京都寫真美術館是日本首座專門介紹攝影藝術的美術館距離惠比壽站步行僅數分鐘館內不僅收藏35,000幀以上的相片作品舉辦常設展覽每年也會在3個展廳推出超過20場不同的展覽會參展作品不乏日本國內與世界各地的藝術家作品。 美術館內更附設電影院,惠比壽影像祭也選在東京都寫真美術館舉行。 到訪遊客可到館內的免費圖書室、咖啡廳或紀念品店稍事休息,度過一段美好時光。 對於攝影藝術愛好者來說,這裡是來到東京絕不能錯過的好去處。 旅遊指南. 在日本首座專門介紹攝影藝術的美術館,欣賞常設展覽與特別展覽的豐富內容.

  4. Remembrance beyond images. Tokyo Photographic Art Museum. 2024.3.1 - 2024.6.9. This group exhibition takes a fresh look at what photography and video means to contemporary artists from Japan and overseas. People’s recollections are considered in terms of both personal memories and public images. Adults ¥700.

  5. Located just minutes from Ebisu Station, it is home to a permanent collection of over 35,000 photographic works. Over 20 different exhibitions, including works by both Japanese and international artists, are held yearly at the museum across its three exhibition galleries.

  6. 以暱稱「東京Big Sight」廣為人知的東京國際展示場,是日本最大的展覽會場,每年有1,400萬人次造訪。 東京Big Sight的會議大樓、西展示大樓、東展示大樓裡從商務展會到動漫相關大會,一整年舉辦各式各樣的展會和活動。 令人印象最深刻的是高58公尺,由玻璃和鈦金屬板組成倒金字塔型設計的會議大樓。 面東京灣的會議大樓裡有可容納1,100席的接待展廳,還有大小22間會議室。 漫步於會場四周時,不妨找找由世界一流當代藝術家創作的7件藝術品,其中還有巨型雕刻喔。 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 交通方式. 東京國際展覽中心站百合海鷗線步行3分鐘. 聯絡方式. 網站. 周邊地區. 東京南部. 台場. 關鍵詞. 主題遊樂園. 家庭旅遊. 漫畫・動畫. 運動・健身. 開放時間. 8:00~22:00.

  7. 東京の観光公式サイト > FIST OF THE NORTH STAR, The 40th Anniversary Original Picture Exhibition - Bring Back the Love!! First introduced in serial publication in 1983, Fist of the North Star has become super popular with more than 100 million copies sold worldwide.