雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 郵輪系列. 報名熱線: 2117 3333. 微信掃碼打開小程序. 旺角店 : 彌敦道610號荷李活商業中心1507室 (星期一至日10:00-19:00) 荃灣店 : 海壩街122號荃立方 C/F,C40號 (星期一至日10:30-19:30) 屯門店 : 屯利街1號華都花園商場地下37號 (星期一至日10:00-19:00) 觀塘店 : 開源道 ...

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      旺角店:彌敦道610號荷李活商業中心1507室 (星期一至日 ...

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      中國長線 - 廣東旅遊-走遍全球

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      旺角店:彌敦道610號荷李活商業中心1507室 (星期一至日 ...

  2. 想體驗不一樣的 廣東?. Trip.com 自由行旅遊攻略帶您探索 廣東 好去處、隱藏秘境、地道文化、特色活動,讓您感受不一樣的 廣東 魅力!.

  3. 廣東旅遊. 專欄. 關鍵廣東旅遊專欄. 為您尋覓廣東好吃好玩新玩法. 廣東旅遊兩天 廣東旅遊三天. 精選線路應有盡有. 每個週末都精彩. 廣東線路. 達人攻略. 好玩視頻. 精選推薦. 推薦廣東旅遊線路 MORE. 全新推出 一生必看演出--《廣東千古情》大型歌舞SHOW 保證入住5星享受 佛山帝恩酒店 純玩2天. F線-中山 尋味8餐【美味園金獎脆肉鯇、石岐乳鴿、棟企雞】燒烤自助午餐 峰SHOW下午茶純玩2天. 雙月灣享海溫泉度假酒店 歎酒店海鮮自助餐 天際玻璃棧道、網紅秋千、私家沙灘 純玩2天. E線-惠州君瀾度假酒店 豪歎酒店自助餐 暢玩五礦哈施塔特景區 純玩2天. 好玩廣東短視頻 MORE. 關鍵旅遊|-食得招積食得咁豪-蠔氣沖天百蠔盛宴人間煙火氣?美食推薦生蠔宴.

    • Guangdong Travel Restrictions
    • 6 Things Guangdong Is Famous For
    • What Languages Are Spoken in Guangdong
    • Guangdong Weather
    • Guangdong Transport
    • Guangdong's Popular Tourist Cities
    • Discover The New Guangdong Your Way with Us!

    Guangdong is conditionally open (COVID restrictions apply) and can be visited by foreign travelers. If you are planning a trip to Guangdong and want to know more details, please contact us. What you will need to visit: 1. Green health code 2. Mask

    1) Shopping

    Guangdong Province is China's center for commodities manufacturing. Especially in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, inexpensive electronics, clothing, computers, and thousands of other products are on sale in the huge markets and thousands of shops. You will find everything you are interested in, from bustling wholesale markets to luxury malls and from handicraft souvenirs to famous brands of clothing. See more on Guangzhou shopping and Shenzhen Shopping

    2) Cantonese Cuisine

    Cantonese cuisine is the most famous of the 'China's Eight Great Cuisines'. It has the characteristics of clearness, freshness, coolness, tenderness, and smoothness. A Cantonese cuisine chef is required to master how to expertly control the food's heat and oil temperature . As the majority of Chinese restaurants around the world were opened by Cantonese-speaking (Guangdong or Hong Kong) chefs, Cantonese cuisine is the most popular Chinese cuisine in the world. Cantonese cuisine uses a great v...

    3) The Cantonese Language

    Cantonese is spoken in most parts of Guangdong, as well as in Hong Kong, Macau, and neighboring Guangxi Region. Cantonese is the third most spoken language in Canada, the third most spoken language in the United States, and the fourth most spoken language in Australia. It is spoken by an estimated 100 million people worldwide.

    Apart from Mandarin and English that are taught in schools, there are three major language families in Guangdong: Cantonese, the Teochew (Chaoshan) dialect, and the Hakka dialect. Cantonese is spoken by around 67 million people in Guangdong. In Guangzhou, Guangdong's capital, 80% of people speak Cantonese. On the one hand, Cantonese inherits and re...

    Guangdong has a humid subtropical to tropical climate marked by high temperatures and plentiful rainfall. It has long, hot, wet summers and short, mild, dry winters. The best time to visit is autumn for pleasant conditions, as it's drier than spring and has much less rainfall than the summer. See more on Guangdong Weather.

    Guangdong Province is in the southeast of China, and Guangzhou, its capital city, serves as the major transportation hub for south China, with Shenzhen an increasingly close second. As one of the most prosperous provinces in China, Guangdong Province is conveniently accessible by air, railway, highway, and water. There are many airports in Guangdon...

    Guangzhou — a Great Gateway for Your First China Trip

    Guangzhouis the largest city and capital of Guangdong and China's third largest city. It provides great convenience for travel. Guangzhou is a southern city with a sense of both history and modernity. Besides the super-modern towers, there is European-style architecture and Lingnan (medieval 'south China') characteristics in the arcades, teahouses, and snack streets. Guangzhou is the center of commodities manufacture, and the Canton Fair is held in Guangzhou every year. It is a shopping parad...

    Shenzhen — Window on a New China

    Shenzhen is a young, active, and creative city. Following China's 'reform and opening up', it transformed from a tiny fishing village to China's Silicon Valley at incredible speed. Shenzhenis more than an urban Cinderella tale, it is the microcosm of China's thriving growth. Top things to do: 1. Visit the world's largest electronic market to learn about the city's influence and potential. 2. Discover Shenzhen's skyscrapers and imagine that the view below used to be small villages just 30 year...

    Chaozhou — Seek the Authentic Flavor of Guangdong

    Chaozhou is a good place to learn about the culture of Guangdong. There is an old saying: "If you haven't been to Chaozhou, you haven't really been to Guangdong." Chaozhou was an important gateway city on the medieval Maritime Silk Road, and there remain lots of historic buildings and cultural landmarks. Chaozhou cuisine is well known in China as one of the most important branches of Cantonese cuisine. Top things to do: 1. Have a city walk to visit Chaozhou's historic architecture such as Gua...

    Due to Guangdong's sheer size, if you have time constraints such as 72-hour or 144-hour visa-free entry, we could help tailor your tourto do what you wish enjoyably and efficiently. These well designed tours will help you explore specific aspects of Guangdong culture: 1. 3 Days Chaozhou and Shantou Tour 2. 3 Days Kaiping and Foshan Tour 3. The Gran...

  4. 廣東旅遊 - 廣東旅遊指南. 作者:Guangdongtb. 127. 規劃您的旅程. 廣東不容錯過的景點活動. 多樣住宿. 久經考驗、魅力與名氣兼具的現代之選。 2024. 廣州香格里拉大酒店. 17,228. 廣東廣州市. 2024. 深圳福田香格里拉. 19,150. 廣東深圳. 2024. 鳳凰灣悅椿酒店. 7,833. 廣東珠海. 佛山羅浮宮索菲特酒店. 8,215. 廣東佛山市. 東莞觀瀾湖度假酒店. 985. 廣東東莞. 中山保利艾美酒店. 347. 廣東中山. 汕頭龍光喜來登酒店. 283. 廣東汕頭市. 惠州洲際度假酒店. 2,399. 廣東惠州市. 潮州如家開元路店. 48.

  5. 2023年12月19日 · Guangdong in south China connects Hong Kong and Macau with mainland. With famous cities Guangzhou and Shenzhen, visitors to Guangdong can enjoy 144-hour visa free policy.

  6. Getty Images/Lonely Planet Images. Guangdong. China, Asia. Guǎngdōng’s unique culture and natural beauty fly under the radar and have yet to be discovered by many travelers, so you may have a plethora of sublime sights (not to mention great dim sum) all to yourself. 01 / Attractions. Must-see attractions. OCT-LOFT. Shenzhen.

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