雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Mr LIU is the Vice Chairman and Executive Director of BOC since June 2021 and President of BOC since April 2021. He is currently Director of BOC Hong Kong (BVI) Limited and BOC Hong Kong (Group) Limited.

  2. Senior Management. Mr SUN Yu. Vice Chairman and Chief Executive. Mr SUN has been re-designated as Executive Director and appointed as Vice Chairman and Chief Executive of BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited (the “Company”) and Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (“BOCHK”) since December 2020.

  3. Kiddie Sky Savings Account. To cultivate the savings habit for your children, start from now! The colourful design of the Kiddie Sky passbook can arouse your children's interest in savings. Applicable for children who are below the age of 11. Terms and Conditions: The above product, services and offers are subject to the relevant terms.

  4. At BOCHK, people is our most valuable asset. We invest heavily in people and our aim is to equip our employees with the best knowledge and skills to drive their own development. Under our competitive incentive scheme, we attract, motivate and retain the best talents and together we can achieve a sustainable development.

  5. 中銀香港是香港三家發鈔銀行之一,亦是香港唯一的人民幣業務清算行,在各主要業務市場位居前列。 憑藉在人民幣業務方面的優勢,中銀香港的人民幣服務成為客戶的當然選擇。 我們在香港透過最龐大的分行網絡及多元化的服務渠道,以及網上銀行和手機銀行等高效電子渠道,為個人、各類企業和機構等客戶提供全面的金融及投資理財服務。 透過與母行中國銀行的緊密聯動,我們為跨國公司、跨境客戶、內地「走出去」企業,以及各地央行和超主權機構客戶提供全方位及優質的跨境服務。

  6. 中銀大廈於1989年建成時是香港最高的建築物,也是世界第五高建築物,現在仍是香港最高的建築物之一。 中銀大廈是世界著名美籍華裔建築師貝聿銘先生的匠心傑作。 其設計靈感源自竹子的「節節高升」,象徵著力量、生機、茁壯和銳意進取的精神,也寓意中國銀行 (香港)未來繼續蓬勃發展。 其建築特點是將中國的傳統建築意念和現代的先進建築科技結合起來,大廈由四個不同高度結晶體般的三角柱身組成,呈多面稜形,好比璀璨生輝的水晶體,在陽光照射下呈現出不同色彩。 這座由玻璃幕牆與鋁合金構成的立體幾何圖形建築物,巍然矗立在港島中區,雄視維多利亞港。

  7. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

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