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  1. www.ocbc.com.hk › personal-banking › zh一般汽車貸款

    華僑銀行提供靈活的的貸款計劃助您達成車主夢。 全面客戶服務. 無論新車或易手車上會申請,以至上會後車輛續牌及保險等事項,均有專人跟進辦理,免您操心。 高貸款比率. 貸款額可高達100%車價,並包括汽車首年牌費及保險費,助您輕鬆出車。 特惠利率. 特低優惠貸款利率,讓您減省利息支出。 還款期長. 還款期可長達60個月,令您資金調動更靈活。 預先批核申請. 您只需提供有關車輛資料連同有關個人文件,我們便能為您的申請作出預先批核。 聯絡我們. 查詢. 立即聯絡我們,讓您的車主夢儘快成真。 需要汽車保險. 了解更多. 車行登入. 登入. 提提你:「借定唔借? 還得到先好借! 申請方法. 致電熱線. 2281 9888. 給我們電郵. carloan@ocbc.com. 備註: 以上資料僅供參考。

    • 汽車貸款

      華僑銀行 汽車貸款. 為什麼選擇華僑銀行的汽車貸款? 領導市 ...

  2. www.ocbc.com.hk › personal-banking › enCar Loans - OCBC

    Electric Vehicle Loans. At OCBC Bank, we are committed to support a greener and more sustainable future and are supporting the use of electric vehicles ("EV"). Please click here to learn more about our competitive interest rates.

  3. www.ocbc.com.hk › personal-banking › enGeneral Car Loans

    Comprehensive Loan Services. Whether you are purchasing a new or a secondhand car, our dedicated staff will follow through your loan application as well as handle your vehicle license and insurance renewal. You can enjoy peace of mind.

  4. 立即比較華僑永亨銀行2024汽車貸款,查看各大Car Loan優惠,一覽車貸貸款額利息和還款期,助你選出最適合你的汽車貸款買車上會,輕鬆供車!

  5. Borrow up to 7 years and 70% of the purchase price or our valuation of the car, whichever is lower. Get your loan approved in 60 seconds before visiting the showroom. Enjoy significant savings with Eco-Care Car Loan. Who can apply.

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