雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年11月8日 · Between the cafe culture, the high attention to detail, the love of delicate sweets, and the plethora of high end hotels and nicely appointed cafes, Tokyo has afternoon tea on lock. Our tea connoisseur Selena Hoy offers her choice of where to indulge in an afternoon of delectable delights.

  2. 美食 東京晴空塔 東京 淺草. www.viewhotels.co.jp. 今天要推薦的是小編私藏已久的CP值超高自助餐吃到飽餐廳,位於淺草的ASAKUSA VIEW HOTEL 26樓的「觀景自助餐廳 武藏 (スカイグリルブッフェ武藏) 」,除了擁有絕佳地理位置外,向窗外望去更能飽覽淺草的街景以及完整 ...

  3. 2015年7月13日 · 有純正日式的餐廳、也有具備時尚的歐式自助餐、甚至還有麵包類的吃到飽! 不僅價格實惠,食材品質也絕對是價格之上,節約旅費的同時,還可以感受到物超所值的驚喜呢!

  4. 除了在店內享用以外,也很歡迎外帶唷。 官網: https://www.instagram.com/p/t9a-gRm1Vc/?taken-at=394340975. 預算:午餐1,000~2,000日圓; 晚餐8,000~9,000日圓. 營業時間:11:30~22:00. 地址:東京都澀谷區広尾1-6-10 ジラッファビル 1F. 交通方式:惠比壽站徒步10分鐘. 居酒屋氛圍十足的日式烤魚定食|食彩 かどた(Kadota) https://www.instagram.com/p/BTvneh1gwKj/?taken-at=345932. 位於惠比壽車站旁,內行人才知道的日本料理名店。 除了依據當季食材而推出的套餐料理,還有居酒屋常見的鹽燒鯖魚、一夜干等等下酒料理。

  5. 2016年7月10日 · Opened in 2015, San Grams is a green tea specialty shop and café owned and operated by one of Japan’s oldest tea shops, Marumatsu, which was founded roughly 100 years ago in Shizuoka, the heart of Japan's green tea industry. Most teas on the market these days are a blend of tea leaves from different farms, leaving a vacuum of ...

  6. 2016年7月19日 · While the Kyoto area is known for its green tea, or matcha, why not take it to the next level with a green tea parfait? Check out some of the best green tea parfaits in places like Uji, Gion, Nishiki Market (a.k.a. "Kyoto's Kitchen") and Kyoto Station!

  7. 2018年4月11日 · Even in a busy city like Tokyo people still take the time to enjoy a good brew! As a result, specialty cafés are popping up all over—many of which are serving tea in creative new ways in a more modern atmosphere. Check out these awesome shops the next time you need to take a time out.

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