雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Cervical Spine Surgery. 香港微创脑及脊椎神经外科手术中心. 非一般的眼眉 跳: 半邊臉肌抽搐痙攣症 (Hemifacial Spasm) MRI Imaging. Spine Survey. 腦部檢查. Stroke Risk Screening. 基本身體檢查. Health Check. 仁心解碼. Perspective of brain systems. Our Doctors. Who We Are.

  2. We are a medical group consists of experience registered nurses of neurosurgery training and experience neurosurgeons who subspecialized in skull base, spine and neurovascular surgery. For decades, we have been treating stroke patients and patients with other brain and spine problems in both public sector and private sector in Hong Kong.

  3. 頸椎 病. 近年來,頸椎問題的病人明顯增多,而且年輕人很多,集中在辦公室白領、電腦操作員、會計、教師等職業人群中。. 加上近年手機、平板電腦大行其道,不少人成為「低頭族」,大多數來看病的年輕人並不是真正的頸椎病,應算做頸肩痛,頸肩痛能 ...

  4. 頸椎病 大致可分為五種症狀類型: 頸壓分佈圖. 神經根壓分布圖. 如何診斷是否患上頸椎病? 磁力共振造影能準確診斷中樞神經系統(腦及脊髓)問題,掃描能為病人找出頸椎神經病變、不穩定、滑脫、頸椎間盤突出、骨刺、增生韌帶或腫瘤 (如有) 的部位,讓醫生了解病情及做出相應治療。 除了臨床問症,醫生可透過磁力共振檢查更準確掌握患者視力問題、頭暈頭痛、心悸、噁心、胸悶、肌肉無力、麻木或刺痛、行為或思維改變、失眠、驚恐症、情緒病/抑鬱症、視力模糊、怕光等症狀的原因。 地址︰. 九龍 - 尖沙咀堪富利士道8號格蘭中心1107室 (港鐵尖沙咀站A2出口) 香港 - 中環干諾道中13 - 14號歐陸貿易中心18樓 (港鐵中環站A出口) 聯絡我們︰. 電話︰ 2367 6116. 傳真︰ 2682 5216.

  5. We are a neurosurgery center located at TST, We provide 24-hour acute stroke support, minimally invasive spinal surgery and consultations ...

  6. What is minimally invasive spine surgery? Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) is a new surgical technique with the following advantages. Much smaller incision of 1.4-1.8 cm (versus 10-15 cm in traditional spine surgery). Much less invasive approaches than that in traditional open spine surgery.

  7. 2682 5216. E-mail: Website: With your complete recovery as our priority, we’ve managed to enhance the efficiency of all our facilities – from logistics to diagnosing ...

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