雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年5月31日 · 在您開始計劃旅程之前,不妨先來看看我們小編推薦的背包客棧和青年旅舍吧!. 在挑選這些房源時,我們儘可能地考量了以下因素:房東是否為超級房東、近期住客評價、地理位置、房型、價格、空房情况、裝潢以及設施。. 我們也將定期更新圖庫,最近一次 ...

    • 海灘假期房 (USD 61 起 )香港長洲島民宿 | 海灘假期房。海灘假期房。查看所有照片。此房源擁有獨立衛浴、餐桌、小廚房(含小冰箱)以及烤爐,你隨時都能在此處享用個人專屬的海鮮烤肉趴。
    • 簡約海景套房 (USD 113 起 )香港長洲島民宿 | 簡約海景套房。簡約海景套房。查看所有照片。喜歡海景的你一定會喜歡這裡!
    • 設計師之家 (USD 119 起 )香港長洲島民宿 | 設計師之家。設計師之家。查看所有照片。這家雜院瀰漫著濃厚的藝術氛圍,主人本身是花藝師和室內設計師,耗費兩年時間打造出這個海景房。
    • 長洲碼頭天后廟附近的四臥房 (USD 316 起 )這個空間可以容納多達12人,擁有 2 間衛浴,足夠滿足一群年輕人或幾個小家庭的旅行需求。如果旅行人數更多,您還可以考慮同時租下附近的另一間房,享受串門子的樂趣。
  2. 2024年6月25日 · Complete backpacking experience in Hong Kong. Whether you are looking for a private room, a dorm for you and your friends, or an exciting camping adventure, these backpacker hostels in Hong Kong will surely provide a decent accommodation without having to break the bank.

  3. 2024年6月2日 · 屏東是真摯的微笑,是溫暖的懷抱,動身來屏東吧!. 這將會是一段觸動心靈的旅程。. 本篇文章幫您選好 9 間屏東民宿,趕快安排行事曆吧!. 在挑選這些房源時,我們儘可能地考量了以下因素:房東是否為超級房東、近期住客評價、地理位置、房型 ...

    • Avenue of Stars
    • A Symphony of Lights
    • Star Ferry Cruise
    • Tsim Sha Tsui

    Located outside the New World Center in Tsim Sha Tsui, the Avenue of Stars is the latest addition to the attractions you can spot in Victoria Harbour. It’s patterned from the Hollywood Walk of Fame but instead pays tribute to the filmmakers, actors and actresses the Hong Kong industry is proud to have produced. Some household names include legends ...

    Another attraction Hong Kong is proud to present is the lights show, A Symphony of Lights. Watch as the iconic Hong Kong skyline turns into the Guinness-approved biggest lights and sounds show that’s deemed permanent in the whole world. There are five themes presented during the show, namely Awakening, Energy, Heritage, Partnership, and Celebration...

    One of the best ways to experience Victoria Harbour is by boarding one of the TST Star Ferry Cruises and it will conveniently take you across the bay. Though you can board during the day, the best time to do so is at night so you can see a panoramic view of the beautiful Hong Kong skyline. If you’re lucky, you can even witness A Symphony of Lights ...

    Enjoy an afternoon of shopping at Tsim Sha Tsui. The area is home to Harbour City Shopping Mall and various shopping stalls. You can also check out the two museums in the area, which are Space Museum and Museum of Art and get lost in knowledge and wonder. It’s right next to Avenue of Stars so you won’t miss it. Tsim Sha Tsui also hosts a number of ...

  4. 2020年6月23日 · Shikoku is one of the four main islands making up the Japanese archipelago. Connected with Honshu (the main island) by three bridges across the sea, it is easily accessible from Osaka and Hiroshima. As its name in Japanese (four countries) suggests, the island is divided into four prefectures -.

  5. 2024年6月1日 · 箱根位於日本神奈川縣,雖然不像東京或大阪湧進大量的觀光客,但也是日本著名高級溫泉度假勝地。. 在歷史上,箱根是通往東京的必經之路和重要關口,也保留了許多傳統日式樣貌。. 如果你想要到日本箱根體驗知名的純天然溫泉,請把這篇文章收藏 ...

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