雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 家庭安排契據是由所有逝者遺產的受益人簽立的。這契據是否有效取決於兩個基本的前提條件: (1) 所有逝者遺產的受益人都簽立;和 (2) 所有簽立人都已成年,並且有足夠的行為能力。卸棄是自願完全拒絕接受按法律或遺囑規定可繼承的遺產份額。

  2. 法律服務 > 婚姻及家事. 婚姻監禮服務. 離婚. 兒童監護. 訂立遺囑. 申請遺囑認證書及遺產管理書. 因遺囑認證所產生爭議. 請參考本所” 法律專欄 "中相關的材料.

  3. The two basic pre-conditions for its validity are that (1) all beneficiaries of the deceased’s estate are parties; and (2) all such persons are of age and have full legal capacity. Disclaimer is a voluntary total refusal to accept a person’s entitlement to a deceased’s estate under a will or Cap. 73.

  4. PDF. 2014-06. Presentation for Hong Kong Trustees' Association (香港信託人公會)- Estate Planning in Hong Kong through Trust. PDF. 2013-05. Presentation for LOMA - Will and Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) and their Application on Wealth Management. PDF. 2013-05. Presentation at the Hong Kong Securities & Investment Institute ...

  5. Legal Publications > Marriage & Family. Financial Provisions for the Spouses on Divorce. The Law after DD v. LKW. The relevant principles when the Court considers ancillary relief applications: · To divide the assets of the parties so as to make provision for their housing and financial needs.

  6. 顧張文菊 - 首席合夥人. 資歷撮要. 顧張文菊律師為顧張文菊、葉成慶律師事務所 有限法律責任合夥 首席合夥人,有超過 30 年執業經驗,曾為香港政府及私人機構提供專業法律服務,亦曾任職跨國保險公司。. 顧律師擅長處理有關公司上市、收購合併、投資 ...

  7. Financial Provisions for the Spouses on Divorce. The Law after DD v. LKW. The relevant principles when the Court considers ancillary relief applications: · To divide the assets of the parties so as to make provision for their housing and financial needs.

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