雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. 例句與用法. I want some eggplant , cucumbers , carrots and peas . 我要一些 茄子 ,黃瓜,胡蘿卜和豌豆。 The shelves were filled with all sorts of vegetables -- eggplants , cucumbers , cabbages , tomatoes . 茄子 啊,黃瓜啊,卷心菜啊,西紅柿啊,各種蔬菜擺滿了貨架。 I ' ll have eggplants , mashed potatoes and green beans. 我要 茄子 、土豆泥和青豆。 Aubergines . . . - there ' s our bait , phillip.

  3. 例句與用法. Here you are , a large fry and a large coke. 這是您的餐點,一份 大 條和一杯大可樂。. Albert : i ' d like a bacon cheeseburger and large fries. 愛伯特:我要一份培根起司堡和 大 條。. I want a hamburger , two large fries and three small cokes. 我要一個漢堡,兩份 大 條,三杯 ...

  4. 1 . 薯仔 去皮切粒,洋去皮切碎,雞件去皮去骨雞肉切成小粒。 Peel and dice the potatoes . remove the skin of the onions and mince . chicken should be skinned , de - boned and diced. 薯仔 去皮、切粒,洋?去皮、切碎,雞件去皮、去骨、雞肉切成小粒。 Stir - fry the onions and add in diced chicken . cook for a while before adding in diced potatoes and appropriate amount of water. 先爆香洋? ,然后加入雞肉粒略炒,再加入 薯仔 及適量清水。

  5. 趣炸雞塊游戲- 4399游戲 My daily breakfast consists of fried eggs and coffee 我每天的早飯都是煎雞蛋和咖啡。 Whipped butter , two fried eggs, fruit and o . j 黃油,兩只煎蛋,水果和橙汁 Whipped butter , two fried eggs, fruit and o . j 黃油,兩只煎蛋,水果和

  6. 例句與用法. Some people have , during meditation , seen me eating sweet potato leaves in formosa in a previous life . we share a deep affinity with each other. 有一些人打坐時,看到我以前是在這邊吃 地瓜葉 的,所以緣份比較深。

  7. 1. (鹽或醬腌制的下酒飯的菜蔬) pickled vegetables; pickles. 2. [方言] (魚肉蔬菜) meat, fish and vegetable dishes; common dishes; side dish. 3. [口語] (輕而易舉的事情) metaphor for a very easy thing to do; easy job. "葷小菜" 英文翻譯 : meat and vegetables. "熱小菜" 英文翻譯 : appetizers. "山小菜" 英文翻譯 : harebell. "味小菜" 英文翻譯 : relish. "咸小菜" 英文翻譯 : salted vegetables. "小菜地" 英文翻譯 : allotment.

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