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  1. Specialize in Assisted reproductive treatment for pregnancy, infertility treatment for the women with advanced age or dismissed ovarian reserve , recurrent embryo implantation failure or recurrent IVF failure, complicated recurrent pregnancy loss, thin

  2. www.syshospital.com

  3. 1. 乳腺肿瘤医学部宋尔卫教授研究团队的新成果发表在《Cancer Research》,IF=9.284(通讯作者:刘强,宋尔卫;第一作者:龚畅,聂燕)Chang Gong, Yan Nie, Shaohua Qu, Jian-You Liao, Xiuying Cui, Herui Yao, Yunjie Zeng,Fengxi Su1, Erwei Song, and Qiang Liu. miR -21 Induces Myofibroblast Differentiation and Promotes the Malignant.

  4. There are 10 doctors in plastic surgery, including 5 doctors, 2 postdoctors, 2 senior professional titles and 6 intermediate professional titles. Professor Zhang Jinming, director of plastic surgery department, is the founder of the plastic surgery department of our ...

  5. Recently, Professor Erwei Song's team form Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University, has obtained an 18-million grant from the Major Research Plan of National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC). This project was initiated by Professor ...

  6. The research team directed by Prof. Erwei Song and Shicheng Su at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital recently revealed a long non-coding RNA termed NKILA promotes the apoptosis of tumor-specific T cells induced by tumor cells, leading to tumor immune ...

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