雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Dry Dating的意思其實是在第一次約會時「不喝酒」雖然酒精可以讓人放鬆、消除緊張,在第一次約會喝一點酒精通常可以省去怯場或是尷尬的麻煩。. 不過一體兩面的是,喝酒也容易讓人失去判斷力,或是給對方想要約炮的誤解。. 根據交友軟體Bumble的預測報告 ...

  2. Hong Kong singles more open to dating foreigners than Singaporeans and Malaysians. Singles are also behaving differently on various matchmaking and dating applications. Where they used to take only seconds to check photos and profiles before deciding whether to contact a prospective date, many have now slowed down.

  3. Hong Kong singles are more open to dating foreigners than their counterparts elsewhere in Southeast Asia, a reflection of the international nature of the city. For six consecutive years a wide-ranging dating survey has found a relatively stable proportion of Hong

  4. 今次Cosmopolitan HK就請來HK Romance Dating 創辦人Anita跟我們分享玩Speed Dating比較容易成功的方法,小編不是鼓吹大家一定要去參加Speed Dating,但玩Speed Dating的技巧其實跟大家初去一個新場合認識新朋友的交友技巧大同小異,沒太大分別,所以

  5. Cosmopolitan.com.hk Double Dating 好處3. 了解伴侶的愛情觀 Double Dating 可令你豐富與男朋友的話題。跟不同姊妹/兄弟進行Double Dating,就能與男友深入討論他們的愛情個案,不但增加拍拖話題,更讓你倆了解對方的愛情觀,助你認清眼前人是否Mr

  6. Many of those who find dating apps lack the human touch might find speed dating a more amiable alternative for a number of reasons. For starters, speed and efficiency are the key elements; one can go on a dozen "dates" in a single evening during which they can spend just 10 to 15 minutes in a casual conversation with each potential candidate.

  7. 一名香港婦人4年間向自稱周轉困難的網上情人匯款共1.8億港元,「情人」最後失了蹤;另一香港女子深信在網上結識了「哈里王子」,也被騙數千元。 警方指網上情緣騙案縱使被揭破,三成當事人仍堅信「遇到真愛」。 這種「真愛」,其實經過騙子精心佈局,一步步令目標上當。 警方上月公布,今年首半年跟進了272宗涉及網上情緣的騙案,較去年同期多出近兩倍半,當事人損失金額高達1.37億港元。 資料顯示,95%網上情緣騙案受害者為女性,逾半為白領或專業人士。 逾半受害者為白領、專業人士. 「橋唔怕舊,總有人受」,騙徒手法層出不窮,理由亦創意十足,藉着假扮各式各樣的人物,以欺騙當事人的感情及金錢。

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