雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. In line with Government's enhanced policy to better protect all natural rivers and streams from the impacts of construction works, new design approaches and guidelines have been formulated and are being adopted by works departments with the objective of

  2. Ecological Mitigation Measures. Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spur Line. Objective of the Ecological Mitigation Measure: To compensate for the loss of fishponds and mitigate the potential disturbance to waterbirds due to the project by early enhancement and subsequent long-term management of fishponds. Details:

  3. 香港生物多樣性策略及行動計劃. 香港雖予人繁華都市的印象,但咫呎之外也有自然山野,蘊含豐富的生物多樣性。. 各種各樣的自然生境及野生生物,為城市人帶來多方面的惠益,包括提供新鮮食物,以及四時變化的景緻。. 保育生物多樣性對本港的可持續發展 ...

  4. One of the major threats faced by Hong Kong’s stream organisms is the possible deterioration of water quality owing to the discharges of agricultural, industrial, construction or domestic waste from development and human activities. Stream fauna that are sensitive to water quality changes could be affected by the deterioration of water quality.

  5. 漁產品的輻射水平測試. 漁農自然護理署 (漁護署)定期在魚類養殖區及魚類統營處批發市場採集樣本進行輻射水平測試,以監測本地養殖及捕撈魚類的輻射水平。. 漁護署將於網頁上更新測試的最新數字,包括含低輻射量但未超出《食品法典委員會》指引限值的 ...

  6. www.afcd.gov.hk › tc_chi › conservation引言 - AFCD

    引言. 地理環境. 香港的地形以山巒深谷為主,平地主要集中在沖積平原和沿岸區域。. 在這片群山起伏的土地上,數以百計的小溪澗於深山丘壑之中奔騰,溪水順山勢而下,越近源頭的高處水流越急,越近平地則越見紓緩。. 至於又長又彎的河流,本港並不多見 ...

  7. www.afcd.gov.hk › english › countryKam Shan - AFCD

    Kam Shan Country Park was designated on 24 June 1977. It occupies 339 hectares and is located in Shatin District, north to Kowloon. The Country Park is set mainly in reservoir catchment areas, it is one of Hong Kong's first country parks. Kam Shan is famous for its macaques. These animals can be found across the park.

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