雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 學生請假信範本 (病假) (學生請假,請參考《學生手冊》內校規有關缺課的守則) 敬啟者: 敝子弟 (姓名) 就讀 班 (班號) ,茲因 (病因) ,須於 年 月 日(星期 )至 年 月 日(星期 )請假(日數) 天。

    • 請病假 Sick Leave
    • 請事假 Personal Leave
    • 請喪假 Funeral Leave
    • 缺的進度怎麼辦?Making Up For The Absence
    • 直接寫給你看!Email 請假範本
    I’m writing to inform you that I won’t be able to make it to work/class today (date) because I’ve been feeling a severe headache since I woke up, and I need to rest at home. 我寫這封信是為了告知您我早上起床後感到頭痛欲裂...
    Unfortunately, I can’t make it to work/class today (date) since I was diagnosed with (disease) and suggested by the doctor to get more rest. The attached is the medical order. 非常不幸地,我今天無法去上班/上課,因為我...
    I would like to ask if I could take time off from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. next Thursday, September 15th, since I’m going for a regular dental check-up, and it’s the only available time slot for my d...
    I’m writing to request a three-day leave from (date) to (date) because of family issues. 因為我有一些家庭的私事需要處理,我想要請三天假(日期~日期)。
    I’m writing to ask if it’s okay for me to take 5 days off from (date) to (date). I have five days of vacation available, and I’m planning on a trip abroad with my family. 想請問我可不可以請(日期)到(日期)五天假?我還有五...
    The purpose of this email is to request the day off on (date) because I’m attending the funeral of a close friend of mine. 我寫這封信是要告知您我在(日期)需要請假,因為當天我要參加一位摯友的喪禮。
    I’m writing to request a funeral leave on (date). 我寫這封信的目的是要在(日期)請喪假。
    I will still be able to reply to emails when I’m not in the office. Should there be any urgent matter, (name of your colleague) will be there to help. 我不在辦公室時還是會回覆信件,但如果有緊急事務,(你的同事)可以幫忙。 注意!使用這句前,一...
    A friend of mine who also takes your course will help me catch up with the class. 我會請也有選修這堂課的朋友幫我補進度。
    Is it possible for me to give my presentation one week ahead? 我可以提早一個禮拜上台報告嗎?
    I have checked the company’s schedule, and I should be able to finish the assigned tasks before my day(s) off. 我確認過公司的行事曆了。我想我應該可以在休假前把交辦的事項完成。
    Dear Professor Rojas, I'm Zack Hsu (student ID number: B10912345) who takes your course “Introduction to Western Literature.” I'm writing this email to inform you that I won’t be able to make it to...
    Dear Mr. Brown, The purpose of this email is to request a day off on October 7th, Friday because I’m attending the funeral of a close friend of mine. I have checked the company’s schedule, and I sh...
  2. 學校請假信樣本參考 Specimen of Letter of Excuse. 敬啟者: 小女_______________,______ 班_____ 號因________________________,須. _____ 月_____ 日. ______ 班班主任_______________老師. _______ 年_____ 月_____日. *請將不適用者刪去. 備註:兩天或以上的病假必需附呈註冊醫生證明書。 ** 家長/ 監護人_______________謹啟. e) to (date) due to (give re. Yours faithfully, _______________ *Parent/ Guardian.

  3. www.ucc.edu.hk › wp-content › uploads學生請假信

    學生請假信 敬啟者: 本人_____ (家長姓名)乃_____班_____ (學生姓名)之家長。敝 子弟因_____未能返校上課,現特函向 貴校請假,由_____年_____月_____日(星期_____)至_____年_____月

  4. *備註: a) 若學生申請事假,請家長於一天前把請假信交給班主任 b) 學生早退必須由家長陪同方可離開學校 Name of parent / guardian 家長/ 監護人姓名: Signature of parent / guardian 家長 / 監護人簽名:

  5. 請假英文例句: I feel uncomfortable, I’d like to take the afternoon off to see the doctor. 我覺得不舒服,想要下午請假去看醫生。 — 各式請假英文. 請假事別有很多種,不僅僅是 go on a vacation (去旅行)這種純玩樂目的,有時候是因為生病、婚喪喜慶,甚至是公事而請假,那麼這些請假英文該怎麼說呢? 常見的請假事別. personal leave 事假. sick leave 病假. menstruation leave/menstrual leave/period leave 生理假、例假. 工作類假別. official leave/occupational leave 公假.

  6. 學生請假信範本. 敬啟者: 小兒/女 〈姓名〉 現就讀中 班, 座號 , 於 〈請假日期〉 至 〈請假日期〉 期間,因. 〈申述請假理由〉 未能回校上課,現特修函,請給予病/事假 _____ 天/節,敬希批准。 備註: ☐隨函附上註冊醫生證明信. ☐沒有醫生請假證明信: 因 〈申述理由〉 而未能呈交註冊醫生證明信予校方〈如適用〉。 此致. 伯特利中學. 中_______班班主任______________老師. 家長 〈簽署〉. _______________ 日期: 年 月 日. * 在適當的 上加上「 」號. 注意事項: (1)家長信必須具備基本書函格式作為學生紀錄用,請假信必須使用標準的信紙、A4紙或單行紙,並須用藍色或黑色原子筆書寫,電腦打印亦可。

  1. 學生請假信英文 sample 相關

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