透過Citibank個人網上理財服務,您只需動動指頭,即可輕鬆享受無縫嘅數碼銀行體驗。. 隨時隨地管理您嘅財務,並保持穩健嘅財務狀況。.
Portfolio Finance enables you to borrow at a competitive rate 2 against a broad range of financial assets as collaterals, including deposits, equities, bonds, mutual funds and structured products.
如您想於同一裝置以另一個賬號登入,請按「忘記密碼?」,輸入該戶口的提款卡號碼、櫃員機密碼 (持有信用卡客戶可輸入信用卡號碼、CVV2及持卡人的出生日期)。
Citi PayAll 可繳交之付款用途. 點用Citi PayAll繳費? 付款至銀行賬戶. 登入Citi Mobile®App 並選擇Citi PayAll. 按「新增付款交易」 然後選擇繳費用途. 選擇付款週期. 輸入付款金額及賬單付款日期. 選擇信用卡及是否憑此交易賺取積分或回贈. 選擇現有收款人或輸入新收款人之付款詳情及備註. 核對及確認交易. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 付款至指定商戶. 登入Citi Mobile® App 並選擇Citi PayAll. 按「新增付款交易」 然後選擇繳費用途 (可選擇已儲存之收款賬戶) 選擇付款週期. 輸入付款金額及賬單付款日期. 選擇信用卡及是否憑此交易賺取積分或回贈. 輸入付款詳情及備註. 核對及確認交易. 1. 2. 3.
Borrow only if you can repay! With Citibank Personal Online banking, enjoy a seamless and hassle-free digital banking experience right at your fingertips. Manage your finances whenever and wherever you are.
1. Login to the Citi Mobile® App and select “Citi PayAll” 2. Make a new payment by choosing the purpose of payment for the relevant merchant list or choose from the list of saved merchant payees directly. 3. Select your payment frequency.