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    • 1. detergent
    • 2. cleaning solution

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  2. a substance used for cleaning, especially your face: I use cleanser on my face every night. 我每晚都用洗面乳洗臉。 detergent uk / dɪˈtɜː.dʒənt/ us / dɪˈtɝː.dʒənt/ noun. a chemical substance in the form of a powder or a liquid for removing dirt from clothes, dishes, etc. (清潔劑在Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press)

  3. 清潔劑,去汙劑. We've run out of floor cleaner. 我們的地板清潔劑用完了。 cleaner's C1 [ C ] a shop where clothes that cannot be washed in an ordinary washing machine are cleaned: Could you pick up my suit from the cleaner's for me, please? 請你幫我把西裝從乾洗店取回來,好嗎? 查看更多. 習語. take someone to the cleaner's. (cleaner在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) A2,C1.

  4. DETERGENT中文 (繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典. detergent 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. noun [ C or U ] uk / dɪˈtɜː.dʒ ə nt / us / dɪˈtɝː.dʒ ə nt / Add to word list. a chemical substance in the form of a powder or a liquid for removing dirt from clothes, dishes, etc. 洗衣粉;洗衣液;清潔劑. (detergent在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) detergent的 例句.

  5. 【清潔劑】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:cleaning agent清潔劑澄清劑[];depurative凈化的cleaner清潔劑; 保潔員; 吸塵器; 干洗店;detergent洗滌劑; 去垢劑;cleanser清潔劑; 清潔工; 擦亮粉,去污粉; 清潔器;。

  6. 清潔劑英文是 detergent聽發音 ),名詞用法,detergent 這個英文單字泛指大部份的清潔劑或洗滌劑,可以說是清潔劑的統稱用法,如果要比較細分不同用途或品牌的清潔劑,可以在前面加上說明,例如液體清潔劑英文是 liquid detergent、像是嬰兒專用的洗澡沐浴乳 ...

  7. 例句與用法. Wipe cleaned surfaces with soft dried cloth. 若物品有油垢,可用少許 清潔劑 去除。. A cleaning solution is made up ofthree chemicals. 有一種 清潔劑 由三種化學物質組成. Um , i think i saw some pine - sol in here too. 嗯,我想我見過這里面有瓶松油 清潔劑 。. Standard for inert gas ...

  8. 2016年12月27日 · Clean away清理某個混亂的地方. 1. Clean out – 清潔內部空間. ex. Clean out the cupboard 把櫥櫃裡面清乾淨. ex. Clean out the car 清潔車子內部. ex. Clean out the drawer 把抽屜 (裡)清理乾淨. 2. Clean off – 清理平面. 通常是指清理一塊平整的表面,像是桌子、窗戶等。 ex. Clean off the table 把桌面整理乾淨. ex. Clean off the TV screen 把電視螢幕弄乾淨. ex. Clean off the glass of the window 清潔窗戶. 3. Clean up – 打掃房間/大空間.

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