雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Through education, our School nurtures students with positive life principles, values and global vision. She educates students to learn with diligence, curiosity and authenticity. The ultimate goal of learning is to give life to knowledge.

  2. Sacred Heart Canossian College (English Section) Macau. 澳門 嘉諾撒聖心英文中學. rmation (Form 3 to Form 5) 2024 - 2025 中學新生報名須知 (初中三至高中二)For application to vacant places in the Secondary classes (Going to Form 3 to Form 5), please write a letter enclosed with photocopies of student reports of 2022-2023 ...

  3. Motto. School Motto–SCIENTIA ET PURITAS (Latin); Knowledge and Virtue. Every person is born with intrinsic virtues. At times these virtues are blurred by human frailty. In order to maintain the purity of these virtues, constant personal review is crucial.

  4. 由澳門建築師協會(AAM)由2022年起開展的社區活動項目「走進校園」旨在協助年輕人的成長、開拓他們的視野及助力他們未來的生涯規劃。 而本校為今年「走進校園」首家合作學校,AAM走進校園導師團隊分別於今年4月25日及5月4日在本校舉辦項目講座及工作坊。

  5. On-line application for 2024/2025 Primary One is scheduled from 1 to 4 March 2024 (4 days). Entrance examination will be arranged for applicants on 16 March 2024 (Saturday afternoon). Application procedures will be released on our school website on 1 January 2024.

  6. 嘉諾撒聖心英文中學成為澳門第一所 《學校可持續發展目標承諾宣言》簽署學校. 甚麼是可持續發展目標 (Sustainable Development Goals)?. 聯合國全體成員國在2015年通過了可持續發展目標(SDGs),以消除貧窮、減少不平等,並在2030年前建立更和平及繁榮的社會。. SDGs ...

  7. Further Studies and Life Planning. 2023-2024學年澳門大學校長推薦入學規條. 2023-2024澳門科技大學中學保薦生入學規條. 2023-2024澳門理工大學中學校長推薦新生計劃指南. 2023-2024澳門鏡湖護理學院招生宣傳及推薦生事宜. 2023-2024澳門聖若瑟大學中學推薦入學規條. 台灣海外 ...

  8. ADDRESS: 86 Avenida do Ouvidor Arriaga Macau. 電話: (+853) 2857 3489. 傳真: (+853) 2856 5640. 電郵: info@shcces.edu.mo. 地址:澳門雅廉訪大馬路86號. Telephone. 28573489. 28565640. Address.

  9. 016-2017.本校於2016 至2017年度起加入免費教育學 . 系統。With effect from 2018-2019, the school has adopted 2-term school year and continuous assessment for teaching and. learning.自2018 至2019學年,本校已轉為兩段制並採用持續性評估模 . 教學。With effect from 2022-2023, the school has offered lunch catering ...

  10. 「英姿·嘉諾撒聖心英文中學管弦樂團音樂會」 2021-08-30T11:26:16+08:00 我校中學管弦樂團和管樂團獲邀參與由澳門青年交響樂團協會主辦的「第十一屆澳門青交音樂節」,在2021年8月2日下午三時在文化中心舉行「英姿·嘉諾撒聖心英文中學管弦樂團音樂會」。

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