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  2. 推廣期9月12日至9月30日內如有任何剩餘優惠限額,將會撥入推廣期10月1日至10月31日內。. 所有合資格簽賬 (以交易日計算,定義見條款15) 必須於推廣期內進行。. 推廣僅適用於商戶旗下之The Club購物及獎賞平台 (shop.theclub.com.hk) 及The Club手機應用程式 (統稱「The Club ...

  3. 透過Citibank個人網上理財服務,您只需動動指頭,即可輕鬆享受無縫嘅數碼銀行體驗。. 隨時隨地管理您嘅財務,並保持穩健嘅財務狀況。.

  4. Key Facts Statement. |. 中文. Citi Prestige Card. Apply to get Extra 30,000 Miles (360,000 Points) Complimentary 4th night at any hotel & Complimentary global airport lounge access. Local spending HK$6 = 1 Mile; Overseas Spending HK$4 = 1 Mile. Up to extra 30% Annual Relationship Points. Complimentary travel insurance and much more &

  5. 百老匯院線優惠備註:. * 優惠只適用於商戶網頁 (https://www.cinema.com.hk/)及手機應用程式 (Broadway Circuit),並不適用於票房或自助售票機購票。. # 優惠只適用於商戶戲院票房購票,並不適用於網上購票。. ^ 優惠不適用於VIP院、4DX、早場之戲票、星期二全日、指定 ...

  6. Citi Plus Credit Card is designed with a host of powerful features. Access the features and enjoy the ease of making payments at your convenience. The cards also offer a wide range of privileges to facilitate a wholesome experience. Citi Pay with Points. Offset transaction with Points in a click. “FlexiBill” Installment Program.

  7. 1. Login to the Citi Mobile® App and select “Citi PayAll” 2. Make a new payment and choose the purpose of payment. 3. Select your payment frequency. 4. Enter your payment amount and bill payment date. 5. Select your preferred card and pick whether to earn rewards for this payment. 6.