雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年6月19日 · 所以苦瓜胜肽到底是什麼?就是苦瓜萃取中分離出的活性蛋白質及其水解產物,可稱為 苦瓜胜肽(bitter melon peptide),部分的胜肽已被成功定序並命名,甚至不少公司將完成定序後的胜肽申請專利。 苦瓜胜肽功效與好處有哪些?

  2. 英文名: Bitter melon. 最後更新於 2023-05-09. 健康專題. 心血管健康 癌症及腫瘤 荷爾蒙健康. 食物功效. 調節血糖水平 對抗癌症 控制體重 降血脂. 苦瓜是什麼? 它的特點是其獨特的苦味和凹凸不平的外觀,在許多亞洲美食中都有發現。 苦瓜能阻隔體內糖和脂肪的吸收,從而降低血糖和膽固醇水平。 從中醫的角度而言,苦瓜性寒,具有清熱解毒的功效,能有效消除體內的刺激和毒素。 苦瓜種類. 珍珠苦瓜 外 觀:呈長條狀,果皮上有小而圓的凸起,像珍珠 味道:甘甜,微苦,鮮味 口感:腍身. 油苦瓜 外觀:呈長條狀,表面有長坑 味道:較苦 口感:爽脆,偏硬. 大丁苦瓜 外觀:呈圓錐形,體型肥大,果皮有凸起 味道:濃郁的苦味 口感:腍身. 苦瓜產地. 全球各地. 苦瓜盛產季節.

  3. 2023年5月26日 · 苦瓜胜肽 於體內的機制作用主要是可以增加體內胰島素的分泌,促進血管內糖分進入細胞中作用,進而達到糖值控制,並且可以透過糖值代謝牽動體內脂肪代謝能力,改善體脂肪囤積問題,其中的功效如下: 降低糖值. 促進胰島素分泌. 促進管道內糖分進入細胞中代謝,避免高糖值. 降低三酸甘油脂及頑固醇. 幫助控制體重,使體態完美. 降低體內炎症反應. 什麼樣的人需要苦瓜胜肽? 數值控制不佳者. 糖尿病高危險群 (如家族病史、肥胖者) 喜愛甜點、飲料者. 想促進代謝,維持健康者. 有體重控制需求者. 營養師溫馨提醒:苦瓜胜肽雖然可以改善體內的糖值穩定,不過並不代表可以根治糖尿病唷! 用藥者還是需要與醫師進行討論並且在飲食上仍需注意避免過量。 吃苦瓜胜肽有副作用嗎? 1.

    • Overview
    • 1. Packs several important nutrients
    • 2. Can help reduce blood sugar
    • 3. May have cancer-fighting properties
    • 4. Could decrease cholesterol levels
    • 5. Improves fiber intake
    • 6. Versatile and delicious
    • Potential side effects
    • The bottom line

    Bitter melon is high in vitamins A and C and other nutrients. It contains compounds that may have health benefits. But it may cause some side effects.

    Bitter melon — also known as bitter gourd or Momordica charantia — is a tropical vine that belongs to the gourd family and is closely related to zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and cucumber.

    It’s cultivated around the world for its edible fruit, which is considered a staple in many types of Asian cuisine.

    The Chinese variety is typically long, pale green, and covered with wart-like bumps.

    On the other hand, the Indian variety is more narrow and has pointed ends with rough, jagged spikes on the rind.

    In addition to its sharp flavor and distinct appearance, bitter melon has been associated with several impressive health benefits.

    Bitter melon is a great source of several key nutrients.

    100 grams of raw bitter melon provides (1):

    •Calories: 21

    •Carbs: 4 grams

    •Fiber: 2 grams

    •Vitamin C: 99% of the Daily Value (DV)

    Thanks to its potent medicinal properties, bitter melon has long been used by indigenous populations around the world to help treat diabetes-related conditions. In recent years, several studies confirmed the fruit’s role in blood sugar control (6).

    A 3-month study in 24 adults with diabetes showed that taking 2,000 mg of bitter melon daily decreased blood sugar and hemoglobin A1c, a test used to measure blood sugar control over three months (7).

    Another study in 40 people with diabetes found that taking 2,000 mg per day of bitter melon for 4 weeks led to a modest reduction in blood sugar levels.

    What’s more, the supplement significantly decreased levels of fructosamine, a short term marker of long-term blood sugar control (8).

    Bitter melon is thought to improve the way that sugar is used in your tissues and promote the secretion of insulin, the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels (9).

    However, research in humans is limited, and larger, more high-quality studies are needed to understand how bitter melon may impact blood sugar levels in the general population.

    Research suggests that bitter melon contains certain compounds with cancer-fighting properties.

    For example, one older test-tube study showed that bitter melon extract was effective at killing cancer cells of the stomach, colon, lung, and nasopharynx — the area located behind the nose at the back of your throat (10).

    Another combined test-tube and animal study had similar findings, reporting that bitter melon extract was able to block the growth and spread of breast cancer cells while also promoting cancer cell death (11).

    Keep in mind that these studies were performed using concentrated amounts of bitter melon extract on individual cells in a laboratory.

    Further research is needed to determine how bitter melon may affect cancer growth and development in humans when consumed in the normal amounts found in food.


    High levels of cholesterol can cause fatty plaque to build up in your arteries, forcing your heart to work harder to pump blood and increasing your risk of heart disease (12).

    Several animal studies found that bitter melon may decrease cholesterol levels to support overall heart health.

    One human study found that administering water-soluble extract of bitter melon led to significant decreases in levels of LDL or “bad” cholesterol, compared to a placebo (13).

    However, one study in mice noted that bitter melon didn’t result in improvement of cholesterol levels or the development of atherosclerosis (14).

    Additional studies are needed to determine whether these positive effects on humans eating the gourd as part of a balanced diet are consistent.


    Bitter melon makes an excellent addition to a weight loss diet, as it’s low in calories yet high in fiber. It contains approximately 2 grams of fiber in each 100-gram serving (1).

    Fiber passes through your digestive tract very slowly, helping keep you fuller for longer and reducing hunger and appetite (15).

    Bitter melon also has laxative properties, which may help to support digestion if you are constipated (16).

    Therefore, swapping higher-calorie ingredients with bitter melon could help increase your fiber intake and cut calories to promote weight loss.

    Bitter melon has a sharp flavor that works well in many dishes.

    To prepare it, start by washing the fruit and cutting it lengthwise. Then use a utensil to scoop out the seeds from the center, and cut the fruit into thin slices.

    Bitter melon can be enjoyed raw or cooked in various recipes.

    In fact, it can be pan-fried, steamed, baked, or even hollowed out and stuffed with your choice of fillings.

    Here are a few interesting ways to add bitter melon to your diet:

    •Juice bitter melon along with a few other fruits and vegetables for a nutrient-packed beverage.

    When enjoyed in moderation, bitter melon can be a healthy and nutritious addition to your diet.

    However, consuming high amounts of bitter melon or taking bitter melon supplements may be associated with several adverse effects.

    In particular, bitter melon has been linked to diarrhea and abdominal pain (17).

    It’s also not recommended for women who are pregnant, as its long-term effects on health have not been extensively studied.

    Due to its impact on blood sugar, you should consult with your healthcare provider before eating it if you’re taking any blood sugar-lowering medications.

    Also, talk with a healthcare professional before supplementing with bitter melon if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking any medications, and be sure to use as directed.

    Bitter melon is a fruit in the gourd family with a unique appearance and flavor.

    It’s not only rich in several important nutrients but also linked to numerous health benefits, including improved blood sugar control and cholesterol levels.

    Note that people who are pregnant or on certain medications — particularly blood sugar-lowering medications — should speak to their healthcare provider before consuming high amounts or taking supplements.

    Still, in moderation, bitter melon makes for a flavorful, nutritious, and easy addition to a healthy, well-rounded diet.

  4. Momordica charantia (commonly called bitter melon, goya, bitter apple, bitter gourd, bitter squash, balsam-pear, karavila and many more names listed below) is a tropical and subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae, widely grown in Asia, Africa, and the fruit.

  5. 苦瓜素(Bitter Melon)有說不盡的好處---= 苦瓜是一種低熱量食物,含有苦瓜苷、 多種氨基酸、半乳糖醛酸、果膠,豐富維他命C 、葉酸、鉻(Chromium)、鉀、維他命B群,及一種類似胰島素的植物蛋白質,能增強胰島素功能,有助降血糖和有促進血液中糖份進入細胞的功效,對預防糖尿病有奇效。 此外,苦瓜所含有較多的維他命B群及一種生理活性蛋白,有助提升人體抵抗力,而苦瓜苷則有助促進身體的脂肪代謝率, 達到控制體重的效果。

  6. 2017年12月23日 · 苦瓜素 Bitter Melon Extract 顯示靶向胰島素受體位點並刺激下游途徑,它可以作為有益的“葡萄糖代謝調節劑”。 苦瓜會在其他具有胰島素抵抗的糖尿病動物模型中表現出抗糖尿病作用。 據報導苦瓜的生理活性物質通過乙醇提取來優化。 研究表明,攝入高熱量飲食和隨之而來的肥胖症是糖尿病II型的主要原因之一。 因此,由高熱量飲食誘導的肥胖誘導的糖尿病,苦瓜提取物的抗糖尿病作用。 糖尿病II型引起胰島素抵抗,胰島素敏感性與Sirtuin 1(SIRT1)的表達有關SIRT1途徑調節細胞和全身水平的能量異常,它在調節葡萄糖攝取和胰島素敏感性中起著核心作用.

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