雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2013年5月19日 · Carly Rae Jepsen - Both Sides Now:歌詞+中文翻譯. 音樂庫 5/19/2013 10's, 西洋女藝人, 抒情歌, Carly Rae Jepsen. Carly Rae Jepsen 於2012年的歌曲。. 或許你對愛情的解讀方式不同.

  2. Both Sides Now-歌詞- Rows and flows of angel hair And ice cream castles in the air And feather canyons everywhere, I've looked at clouds that ... -快打開 KKBOX 盡情收聽。.

  3. 2017年11月17日 · Joni Mitchell - both sides now 歌詞中文翻譯. Rows and flows of angel hair 像是天使一絲絲流動的頭髮 And ice cream castles in the air 冰淇淋蓋起的城堡 And feather canyons everywhere 輕飄飄的峽谷 I've looked at clouds that way 這是我曾經對雲的想像.

  4. Both Sides Now. by Joni Mitchell. Rows and floes of angel hair. And ice cream castles in the air. And feather canyons everywhere. I've looked at clouds that way. But now they only block the sun. They rain and snow on everyone. So many things I would have done.

  5. 2013年8月2日 · 《Both Sides NowBy "Joni Mitchell"Bows and flows of angel hair 有天使如波浪般的長髮飄動And ice cream castles in the air 也有如霜淇淋般的空中城堡And feather canyons everywhere 飄散四處的羽毛將大街妝點得多彩多姿I've looked at cloud that way 這是我觀察天上雲朵漂浮的方法之一But now they only block the sun 然而現在雲兒漸漸遮住了太陽They rain and snow on everyone 在走過的每個人身上灑下雨滴與雪花So many things I would have done 其實有很多夢想早...

  6. Both Sides Now-歌詞-Bows and flows of angel hair and ice cream castles in the air And feather canyons everywhere, i've looked at cloud that wa... -快打開 KKBOX 盡情收聽。

  7. 2024年8月31日 · 查看 Both Sides Now 繁体字翻譯歌詞Both Sides Now 的 繁體中文 歌詞 繁體中文 翻譯中找到真正的 Both Sides Now 歌詞。

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