雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. CAIS is a non-profit international school of 1,600+ students representing more than 26 nationalities based in Hong Kong. CAIS is authorized as an IB® World School, offering the International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme (IBDP). It is also accredited to

  2. The School is a non-profit, independent, Christian school located in Kowloon. The school is strongly committed to provision of a Christian education that places a high priority upon educating the whole child intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially and

  3. CAIS is a non-profit international school of 1,600+ students representing more than 26 nationalities based in Hong Kong. CAIS is authorized as an IB® World School, offering the International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme (IBDP). It is also accredited to

  4. CAIS is a non-profit international school of 1,600+ students representing more than 26 nationalities based in Hong Kong. CAIS is authorized as an IB® World School, offering the International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme (IBDP). It is also accredited to provide the Alberta Curriculum and offers Advanced Placement®️ courses.

  5. 宣道國際學校 (英語: Christian Alliance International School ),縮寫CAIS,是一間位於 香港 九龍 深水埗區 的 國際學校 ,為 九龍塘宣道會 開辦的國際學校之一。 因其學費在香港國際學校中屬於較低水平,故有「平民國際學校」之稱,有多位藝人子女就讀 [1] [2] 。 歷史 [ 編輯] 2009年,旗下已開辦 宣道會劉平齋紀念國際學校 (粵語:宣道會劉平齋紀念國際學校) 的九龍塘宣道會 [3] ,獲 香港政府 批出 荔枝角 蝴蝶谷 地皮興建一所新的國際學校 [4] [5] 。 該校佔地2公頃,據說為香港市區最大的國際學校之一。 興建成本約12億港元,校舍於2016至2019年陸續落成 [5] 。

  6. CAIS is a non-profit international school of 1,600+ students representing more than 26 nationalities based in Hong Kong. CAIS is authorized as an IB® World School, offering the International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme (IBDP). It is also accredited to provide the Alberta Curriculum and offers Advanced Placement®️ courses.

  7. 宣道國際學校(Christian Alliance International School)是位處於深水埗區的一所國際學校。 學校為學生提供幼稚園(Pre-school)、小學(Primary)、中學(Secondary) 的課程。

  8. 2023年7月27日 · 宣道国际学校 (英语: Christian Alliance International School ),缩写CAIS,是一间位于 香港 九龙 深水埗区 的 国际学校 ,为 九龙塘宣道会 开办的国际学校之一。 因其学费在香港国际学校中属于较低水平,故有“平民国际学校”之称,有多位艺人子女就读 [1] [2] 。 历史. [ 编辑] 2009年,旗下已开办 宣道会刘平斋纪念国际学校 (粤语:宣道會劉平齋紀念國際學校) 的九龙塘宣道会 [3] ,获 香港政府 批出 荔枝角 蝴蝶谷 地皮兴建一所新的国际学校 [4] [5] 。 该校占地2公顷,据说为香港市区最大的国际学校之一。 兴建成本约12亿港元,校舍于2016至2019年陆续落成 [5] 。

  9. 2019年10月29日 · 位於荔枝角宣道國際學校(Christian Alliance International School,簡稱CAIS)有「平民國際學校」之稱,皆因吸引不少星二代就讀,如陳慧琳(Kelly)的兩名兒子、郭晉安與歐倩怡的一對子女,加上學費較其他星級國際學校實惠。

  10. CAIS is a non-profit international school of 1,600+ students representing more than 26 nationalities based in Hong Kong. CAIS is authorized as an IB® World School, offering the International Baccalaureate® Diploma Programme (IBDP).

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