雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Find the latest fees & charges for HSBC credit cards.

  2. 來自非手機官方應用商店的應用程式或含惡意軟件,請小心提防。. 由2024年2月26日起,Android版本的HSBC HK App將推出全新安全措施,以保護您免受惡意軟件侵害。. 了解更多。. 我們透過使用Cookie以評估您在我們網站的使用情況,為您提供最佳的網站體驗。. 如果你 ...

  3. 申請信用卡,除咗要睇優惠,年費都係一個考慮因素。. 除咗本身永久免年費,好多卡出卡時都有免年費優惠,但優惠期過咗之後,都要開始交年費。. 其實唔少銀行都可以俾客戶申請豁免年費,只要打個電話就OK,有啲甚至直接撳幾個掣就搞掂,唔需要同CS真人 ...

  4. Can I get a waiver on the annual fee for my credit card? We've permanently waived the annual fee for these credit cards: HSBC Premier Mastercard Credit Card HSBC Red Credit Card If you hold an HSBC EveryMile Credit Card, we can waive the annual fee for

  5. 2024年3月12日 · 好多朋友申請完HSBC信用卡都擔心張卡會收年費,一個唔覺意俾人收年費都幾肉痛。但其實大部份HSBC信用卡就算收年費都好,好多時打個電話上cs到就可以waive到年費,所以又唔使咁擔心。

  6. HSBC Red Credit Card is best for online shopping. Enjoy up to 4% RewardCash rebate for online spending. Enjoy a perpetual annual fee waiver. RewardCash could be used to redeem air miles or offset monthly spending and single transaction, which provides

  7. We will waive the joining fee for any private label cards. The annual fee for HSBC EveryMile Credit Card is HK$2,000. This fee is subject to change or waiver at our discretion. The fee for the following year will be waived if the annual spending with HSBC EveryMile

  8. HSBC 滙豐永久免年費信用卡2024:waive年費方法+申請豁免年費電話. 邊間信用卡免年費?. 比較HSBC 滙豐免年費信用卡,減省信用卡開支兼賺盡獎賞,精選永久免年費信用卡更免除每年申請waive年費之煩惱,即睇免年費信用卡最啱你。. 查看更多. 尋找適合您的信用卡 ...

  9. 2024年7月12日 · HSBC EveryMile credit card has an annual fee for the first year. After that, you are required to pay HK$2,000 for the annual fee. You can also enjoy the annual fee waiver when you spend HK$80,000 with the credit card annually.

  10. The HSBC EveryMile Credit Card offers a first-year annual fee waiver and six complimentary global airport lounge accesses annually. For specified spending at HK$2 per mile, such as fuel, coffee purchases, and streaming platforms, there's a fee-free conversion to 12 different airline mileage programs.

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