雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HSBC Term Protector. Life coverage of up to HKD5,000,000 1 and premiums as low as HKD8.23 2 per day. HSBC Term Protector is now available at our hotline (852) 2233 3130 only.

  2. 滙豐提供一系列的人壽保險計劃,包括定期壽險、終身壽險、以至萬用壽等,致力在生活各方面上全面保障您及您的家人。.

  3. HSBC Family Protector is a term life insurance plan with no savings element underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited ("HSBC Life") which is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority ("IA") to carry on long-term insurance business in the Hong

  4. Term life insurance you can tailor with additional benefits like critical illness cover, hospital cash and more—available online only. HSBC Family Goal Insurance Plan. A life insurance policy offering greater life protection for the first 20 years. Mortgage Protection Plan.

  5. 主要特點. 相宜保障. 保費低至每日港幣2元 [@familyprotectorillustrativeexample]可享人壽保障港幣100萬元,更毋須進行醫療檢查. 加配額外保障項目. 您可另繳保費加添多達 4個自選保障項目 ,包括意外身故、危疾、癌症、兒童及住院現金保障. 預算在握. 保障的保費以月繳形式支付,保證每10年期不變 [@10yearsfixedpremium],包括基本計劃及附加保障項目. 輕鬆網上投保. 只須幾個步驟,就可隨時隨地,在手機或電腦輕鬆完成網上投保. 參加LIFE Talk「保」衛戰,贏取首年免費保障. 參加LIFE Talk 「保」衛戰. ,邊玩邊學拆解保險迷思,完成遊戲即有機會贏取首年免費保障。 受條款及細則約束. ;於 網上投保.

  6. 滙豐保險是香港領先的保險公司透過滙豐香港銀行渠道及第三方保險經紀為零售銀行及商業銀行客戶提供各種人壽保險產品滿足您的主要財富需要包括保障教育退休財富增值及財富承傳。 我們一直將客戶放在首位,您的所需引領我們不斷創新,開創各種嶄新方案和貼心服務。 你的No.1 Life Partner. 作為連續兩年No.1 全港最大市場佔有率 [@insurance-life-1st-ia-award-2022]、最多客戶推薦的保險品牌 [@insurance-life-most-recommend-2022],我們一直致力滿足客戶需求,矢志成為香港人壽保障的首選! 財政穩健 至可信賴.

  7. Term life plans are better value. Life protection. Family protection. Know-how. May 2022. 3 min. Which type of life insurance do you need? You may have heard of term life insurance, but are not sure if it’s right for you. And how can you obtain a higher level of protection with lower premiums? We’ve collected some key facts for your reference.