雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年1月26日 · IDP 國際教育中心 、British Council 英國文化協會與 Cambridge ESOL 劍橋大學考試院三者都是雅思官方考試中心,為全球超過 140 個國家,提供專業且具鑑別性的英文檢定考試服務,幫助有海外留學、就業或移民目標者實現夢想。. 無論是考題內容、流程及評分標準等都 ...

  2. Having helped over 500,000 students successfully study abroad, IDP is a provider of the IELTS test with more than 1,400 test locations across 56 countries. British Council, on the other hand, creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries, helping to build trust between them worldwide.

  3. IDP 教育是IELTS國際英語水平測試的主辦機構及官方考試中心,每月平均舉辦8至10場IELTS考試,立即查看IELTS考試地點、費用及最新的考試日期。 最新資訊及文章

  4. Having helped over 500,000 students successfully study abroad, IDP is a provider of the IELTS test with more than 1,400 test locations across 56 countries. British Council, on the other hand, creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries, helping to build trust between them worldwide.

  5. 2016年5月23日 · IDP and British Council conduct IELTS tests but they do not write them. All tests used at the BC and IDP are compiled by Cambridge English Language Assessment who is one of the joint owners of IELTS. This means you will get the same tests if you are at BC or IDP.

  6. IELTS Exam is the worlds most popular high-stakes English language test. Visit IDP for IELTS tests in HK, exam registration, test dates, fees & locations!

  7. Choosing between IDP and British Council for your IELTS test? Here are some differences you must know while making your decision!