KYC(認識你的客戶)是Know Your Customer/Client的縮寫,是銀行對客戶背景進行了解和審查的過程。 KYC之所以會成為當前銀行處理開戶業務流程中的重要一部分,主要是由於2001年美國發生911事件之後,聯合國的防制洗錢金融行動工作組織加強了對反洗錢和打擊恐怖份子募資的管控,並發佈了一份KYC方案,給世界各國的銀行參考。 目前香港大多數銀行的KYC守則即基於這個國際標準制定。 香港的《銀行業條例》中,也規定所有金融機構都必須對其客戶進行KYC審查,否則將面臨嚴苛的罰則。
2023年1月17日 · KYC 意即 Know Your Customer (了解你的客戶),是銀行了解和核實客戶身份的過程;也是銀行按監管要求進行盡職審查 (Customer Due Diligence) 的必要過程之一。 銀行要求企業提交什麼 KYC 資料? 無論企業需要開立銀行戶口,還是申請貸款,銀行必然需要企業提交以下四大類別的資料︰. 公司資料 ︰例如公司名稱、註冊地址及號碼等。 業務資料 ︰例如公司從事的行業、業務性質等。 股東架構 ︰包括不同股東的佔比、完整的股東架構 (包括最終擁有人)。 關鍵人士身份及授權 ︰董事和最終擁有人的身份認證。 上述資料主要是協助銀行識別和核實企業的身份,以及評估企業參與洗黑錢、恐怖分子資金籌集等這類金融犯罪活動的風險。
2024年9月13日 · KYC 認證是指金融機構對客戶身分進行驗證,確保其合法性。這包括蒐集和驗證客戶的個人資料、住址以及官方身分文件,如身分證。KYC 認證不僅在金融領域中應用,還廣泛使用於其他產業,如電信業和共享交通服務等,確保業務的合法性與安全性。
- What Is Know Your Client (KYC)?
- Understanding Know Your Client
- KYC Requirements
- KYC Compliance
- Aml and KYC
- KYC and Cryptocurrency
- The Bottom Line
Know Your Client (KYC) is a standard in the investment industry that ensures advisorscan verify a client's identity and know their client's investment knowledge and financial profile. Three components of KYC include the customer identification program (CIP), imposed under the USA PATRIOT Act in 2001, customer due diligence (CDD), and ongoing monito...
The Know Your Client (KYC) rule is an ethical requirement for those in the securities industry dealing with customers during the opening and ongoing maintenance of accounts. It is implemented at the onset of the customer-broker relationship to establish the essential personal profile of each customer before any financial recommendations are made. T...
Customer Identification Program
CIP requires that financial firms obtain four pieces of identifying information about a client, including name, date of birth, address, and identification number.
Customer Due Diligence
CDD is a process in which all of a customer’s credentials are collected to verify their identity and evaluate their risk profile for suspicious account activity.
Enhanced Due Diligence
EDD is used for customers that are at a higher risk of infiltration, terrorism financing, or money laundering and additional information collection is often necessary.
Two rules governing KYC include Financial Industry Regulatory Authority(FINRA) Rule 2090 (Know Your Customer) and FINRA Rule 2111 (Suitability). FINRA Rule 2090 requires every broker-dealer to use reasonable diligence when opening and maintaining client accounts and to know and keep records on the profile of each customer, as well as identify each ...
The U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) requires both customers and financial institutions to comply with KYC standards to prevent illegal activity, specifically money laundering. AML, anti-money laundering, is a term for the range of measures and processes used to achieve regulatory compliance. KYC is a component of AML. FinCEN requ...
The cryptocurrency market is praised for providing a decentralized medium of exchange that promotes confidentiality. However, these benefits also present challenges in preventing money laundering. Criminals see cryptocurrency as a vehicle to launder money and as a result, governing bodies are looking for ways to impose KYC on cryptocurrency markets...
Know Your Client (KYC) is a set of standards and requirements investment and financial services companies use to verify the identity of their customers and any associated risks with the customer relationship. KYC requires customers to provide a personal identification profile and KYC ensures investment advisors are aware of their client's risk tole...
Know Your Customer (KYC)—and why it’s important. Globally there has been an exponential increase in money laundering and terrorist financing activities, and COVID-19 has only abetted this surge.
認識你的客戶(英語: know your customer ),是企業確認客戶身份的程序,通稱KYC,在各個公司或機關的華語名稱不同,也稱為瞭解你的客戶、認識客戶政策、客戶身分審查、客戶身分盡職調查等。
2024年8月29日 · KYC(Know Your Customer),中文為「認識你的客戶」,是一種強制性的對於客戶身分的驗證程序。 通常是由金融機構實施,例如客戶需要開設新帳戶、變更帳戶設定及資訊時,便需要提交 KYC 相關文件,其中包含身分證、護照、駕駛執照等,皆可用於驗證客戶的身分。 KYC 認證的目的是為了防止詐欺、洗錢、資助恐怖主義等犯罪活動。 金融機構透過搜集客戶的身分資訊,例如姓名、生日、身分證號碼、住址、電話號碼等,並進行驗證,以確保客戶身分的合法性,阻止可能的非法資金流動。 除此之外,金融機構也能透過 KYC 認證對客戶進行風險評估,並採取相應的監控和管理措施,增加整體金融交易系統的安全性和可靠性。 完成 KYC 認證三大流程.
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