雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.clp.com.hk › zh › education-development中電學院 - CLP

    梁兆聰. 關於我們. 願景. 以職訓為本,作為職業訓練與高等教育之間的橋樑,協助畢業學員以職業訓練考取相關 學歷及專業 資格,成為電機及機械工程業界人士進修之首選。 使命. 為中學離校生及在職人士提供另一進修途徑,學習專業的電力工程知識,從而提升他們的事業發展機會,以及取得專業認可。 致力培育電機及機械工程專才,應對本地及大灣區業界的人力需求。 與業界、學術及專業組織建立夥伴關係,攜手宣揚電能專業及卓越水平。 中電學院與職專教育. 香港特區政府近年大力推動職業專才教育 ( 職專教育/VPET),並確立它在香港不可或缺的地位。

  2. 職專教育,光明之路. 以下提供的為 兼讀制課程,主要提供 電機 及 機械 兩個範疇的各種專業知識,切合不同人士的需要,提供多元化的升學及就業途徑。. 投身電機及機械行業第一步:電工A牌. 拓展工作領域達至更高成就:電工B牌. 晉升必備切合未來社會需要 ...

  3. www.clp.com.hk › en › education-developmentAbout CLP Power Academy

    CLP Power Academy is committed to nurturing young people and working adults by providing them with a pathway for upward career progression in the energy and E&M engineering industries through a wide range of accredited professional programmes.

  4. The following are part-time programmes, which mainly provide a variety of professional knowledge in electrical and mechanical fields. These programmes meet the needs of different people and provide diversified pathways for further studies and employment.

  5. Invite tertiary students to join the competition to develop practical solutions that facilitate energy efficiency and conservation and improve the well-being of people in need. Nurturing the next generation for greener and brighter tomorrows through education on energy, engineering and the environment.

  6. www.clp.com.hk › en › education-developmentEngineer in School - CLP

    Through “Engineer in School” Programme, CLP aims to inspire students' interest in the electrical engineering industry and deepen their understanding of sustainable development via school talks, STEM workshops, and various visitations.

  7. The course integrates electrical engineering theory with in-depth coverage of specific latest knowledge of power transmission and distribution systems. Students also have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience of power equipment at CLP Power Academy, and to visit various facilities and work sites at CLP Power.

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