雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. kpopvotes.com › idolchamp › voteIDOLCHAMP votes

    강다니엘 VS. 배너. Vote Ended. [ShowChampion] The 5th week of October. 10월 5주차 여러분의 챔피언송을 뽑아주세요! [October 5th Week] Vote Ended. RADIO PROMOTION. MBC 라디오에서 최애의 노래를 홍보하세요!📻.

  2. Voting and netizen ranking: Voting and netizen choices happens before show start. Currently via Idol Champ app. Previously app and website used include Genie (until 2020), Melon (until 2018). Current pre-voting times is from Friday to Monday (previously is

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  3. 其他人也問了

  4. [偶像冠軍] 你準備好讓你的偶像成為冠軍了嗎? MBC PLUS「Show Champion」預投票及宣傳活動. - 參加MBC every1「Show Champion」每週預投票. - 用零食等裝飾你的藝術家的休息室,為“表演冠軍”做準備. - 透過各種活動有機會贏得表演冠軍門票、簽名拍立得或 CD 或您最喜歡的藝術家. IDOLCHAMP獨有的各種藝人福利. -...

    • (49.6K)
  5. Are you ready to make your Idol a champion? Pre-voting for “Show Champion” and promotional events of MBC PLUS - Participate in the weekly pre-voting for MBC every1 "Show Champion"...

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    • Everyone
  6. Are you ready to make your Idol a champion? Pre-voting for “Show Champion” and Events on MBCPLUS. - Please participate in the pre-voting for MBC M ‘Show Champion’ every week. - Please fill the waiting room of your favorite artist's ‘Show Champion’ with what the artist likes by voting to decorate the waiting room.

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    • 87.4 MB
  7. 2022年10月4日 · [VOTE ] MBC SHOW CHAMPION "IDOLCHAMP" 投票教學 [10/2022 更新版 ] 投票需要用CHAMSIM 儲存投票用的CHAMSIM / 1. 到APP STORE 下載IDOL CHAMP (ANDROID 及IOS均有!) 可透過不同的SNS帳號申請登入 (如果是首次登記的,...

  8. Are you ready to make your Idol a champion? Pre-voting for “Show Champion” and Events on MBCPLUS. - Please participate in the pre-voting for MBC M ‘Show Champion’ every week. - Please fill the waiting room of your favorite artist's ‘Show Champion’ with what the artist likes by voting to decorate the waiting room.