雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.seahorse.com.hkSeahorse

    海馬 床褥是香港知名的床褥品牌,提供多種尺寸和款式的床褥,適合不同的睡眠需求和喜好。海馬 床褥 SEA-ALL是海馬 床褥的熱賣產品,現在更有驚喜價,讓您享受舒適和健康的睡眠。

  2. 在《 本草拾遺 》中,海馬又名水馬、蝦姑、馬頭魚、龍落子魚,為海龍科動物 線紋海馬 ( Hippocampus kelloggi Jordean et Snyder)、 刺海馬 ( Hippocampus histrix Kaup)、 大海馬 ( Hippocampus kuda Bleeker)、 三斑海馬 ( Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach)或 小海馬 ( 海蛆 ...

  3. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › SeahorseSeahorse - Wikipedia

    A seahorse (also written sea-horse and sea horse) is any of 46 species of small marine bony fish in the genus Hippocampus. "Hippocampus" comes from the Ancient Greek hippókampos ( ἱππόκαμπος ), itself from híppos ( ἵππος) meaning "horse" and kámpos ( κάμπος) meaning "sea monster" [4] [5] or "sea animal". [6]

  4. 本词条由 “科普中国”科学百科词条编写与应用工作项目 审核 。. 海马(拉丁学名:hippocampus),是海龙目 海龙 科暖海生数种小型鱼类的统称,是一种小型海洋动物,身长5~30厘米。. 因头部弯曲与体近直角而得名,头呈马头状而与身体形成一个角,吻呈长 ...

  5. 我们最终实验比较成功,要感谢技术指导在实验室陪同的一天,也感谢辉辉师妹的指导和帮助。 希望我的帖子可以帮助到准备做seahorse的科研小伙伴,让我们做一个勇于挑战的人~~加油 回复点赞收藏 邀请讨论 全部讨论 (0)

  6. 2024年5月20日 · Seahorse, any of nearly 50 species of marine fishes allied to pipefishes in the family Syngnathidae. Seahorses are found in shallow coastal waters in latitudes from about 52° N to 45° S. They are distinguished from other fishes by their horselike head, prehensile tail, independently moving eyes, and brood pouch.

  7. Due to its unique appearance, seahorse is one of the most iconic species in the ocean. As an important predator on bottom-dwelling organisms, the decrease in their population or their extinction may disrupt the balance of ecosystems.

  8. The oddly shaped and upright-swimming seahorse seems an unlikely fish. Yet more than 45 species live in coastal waters around the globe. Scientists have learned their basic biology, but much ...

  9. 2018年8月8日 · If you are lucky enough, you can sometimes spot three different seahorse species in eastern Hong Kong waters – the yellow seahorse, three-spot seahorse and great seahorse. The creatures remain an enigma in the world’s oceans. The wonder of seahorses.

  10. 2022年3月15日 · Now these unique fish are threatened. A pair of Western spiny seahorses (male at left) from Australia intertwine tails for stability. Seahorses inhabit coastal waters nearly worldwide, clinging...

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