雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2010年11月4日 · 巴打,意頭唔好喎 全部都4 (死) btw,我跟過mia補英文一排,matching係睇名詞/代名詞 即係例如佢下段明明講she乜乜乜乜,前面就唔會peter一條友乜乜乜,然後mark低逐個剔除 多得佢尼招我果年先做得晒份英文section c,我果年份matching好能難. 唔通係06?! 做過matching幾年都岩哂/錯2pair ,算係少一part要操. 我應該係08年AL 而家大學三年級 我果時做pp,matching晌咁多part黎講算係平時幾上手,晌考場做左成廿分鐘p晒k. 我冇記錯08matching好似特別難 果年人人中晒伏 PS我09AL. 08係咪有16條MATCHING個年? 嵐絲Male2010-11-05 00:23:38.

  2. 2022年1月21日 · 有冇人做個呢份. 2004年ue matching 呢年係咪比較難 ? d choices 個個都咁上下ge 我做到最後係做呢份.. 香港討論區

  3. UE @section c 計grade方法. #1. 發表於 2009-11-3 15:05. 只看該作者. 大 中 小. 繁 簡. 各位係咁既.. 我做完ue@c 既past paper..因為唔識點計返個分..同埋要知係咩grade. 有好心人知可以留下個計分方法嘛 ?

  4. 香港討論區 » 香港公開考試 » 究竟section cmatching點做嫁? 查看完整版本 : 究竟section cmatching點做嫁? wfh28 2012-3-19 18:54

  5. In electrical engineering, impedance matching is the practice of designing or adjusting the input impedance or output impedance of an electrical device for a desired value. Often, the desired value is selected to maximize power transfer or minimize signal reflection.

  6. Impedance Matching Basics - Series L and C. On this page, we'll start the beginning of impedance matching, by illustrating the effect of a series inductor or a series capacitor on an impedance. The Smith Chart makes this easy to visualize. Introduction to Impedance Matching. Impedance Matching is the process of removing mismatch loss.

  7. 5.2 Single-stub tuning shunt stub, series stub. 5.3 Double-stub tuning forbidden region. 5.4 The quarter-wave transformer frequency response. 5.5 The theory of small reflections single-section transformer, multi-section transformer. 5.6 Binomial multisection matching transformers. 5.7 Chebyshev multisection matching transformers.