雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 官立嘉道理爵士小學 Sir Ellis Kadoorie (Sookunpo) Primary School 辦學宗旨:營造愉快學習環境,提供優質的學與教,培養學生五育均衡的發展,達致「德、智、體、羣、美」的目標。

  2. The mission of the school is to provide a pleasing environment for students to enjoy learning; to enhance their effectiveness in communication and develop in them a sense of creativity and commitment through a balanced education programme which covers ethical, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic development.

  3. 官立嘉道理爵士中學 (西九龍) Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (West Kowloon) 辦學宗旨:尊重多元文化,與時並進,學校旨在為學生提供全人教育,培養學生終身學習的能力,使之成為良好公民,日後能為本港及其他地區作出貢獻。. 官立嘉道理爵士中學外觀照片. 學校 ...

  4. 官立嘉道理爵士小學(Sir Ellis Kadoorie (Sookunpo) Primary School) 是位於 灣仔區 (小學校網: 12 )的一間 官立全日 小學,學校面積約 6200平方米屬於男女校,該校辦學宗旨是「 營造愉快學習環境,提供優質的學與教,培養學生五育均衡的發展,達致「德、智、體、羣、美」的目標。 」。 官立嘉道理爵士小學著重融和與互相尊重,教育學生建立和諧互信的校園文化。 推行全校參與獎勵計劃'Good Kadoorian Scheme',鼓勵學生培養積極正面態度。 學校背景. 官立嘉道理爵士小學 創立於1891年,學校沒有宗教背景,本身是官立學校所以辦學團體是香港政府教育局,校長是 余慶賢女士 , 校監蘇婉儀女士 。 該校校訓是: 善用每一天. 中學聯繫.

  5. 官立嘉道理爵士小學(Sir Ellis Kadoorie (Sookunpo) Primary School)是位處於灣仔區的一所官立小學,根據教育局的小一學校網選校名冊,屬於12校網。 學校是一間男女校,創校於 1891年,校訓是「善用每一天」, 現在的辦學團體是 政府 , 校監為蘇婉儀 女士,校長為余慶 ...

  6. The school was founded in 1891 by Ellis Kadoorie, an Indian Jewish who was knighted in 1917. The school was originally called 'The Ellis Kadoorie School for Indians'. It was the first school in Hong Kong where Hindi and Urdu languages were included in the school curriculum.

  7. A fully completed Application Form including an attached recent photograph of the applicant. A copy of the applicant's academic reports for the previous two years including the current year if available. A photocopy of the applicant's birth certificate.

  8. Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School ( Chinese: 官立嘉道理爵士小學) is a government-operated public primary school in So Kon Po, Wan Chai District, Hong Kong. [1] History. Sir Ellis Kadoorie built the school to educate residents of South Asian origin. [2] . Kadoorie opened a school in 1891, [3] in Sai Ying Poon. [4] .

  9. 官立嘉道理爵士中學(西九龍) (英語: Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School (West Kowloon) ,簡稱: SEKSS (WK) ),位於 九龍 大角咀 ,是 香港 一所收錄非 華語 學生為主的 官立中學 ,以 南亞裔 學生佔多數。. [3] 學校前身是由印籍猶太裔商人埃利斯·嘉道理爵士(Sir Ellis ...

  10. 官立嘉道理爵士小學Sir Ellis Kadoorie (Sookunpo) Primary School. Wan Chai POA : 12. Print School Info. Address: 9 Eastern Hospital Road, Sookunpo, Hong Kong. Phone: 25773489. Email: webmaster@sekps.edu.hk.

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