雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 地址: 香港太古城道18號太古城中心5樓. bc VIP會員及MOViE MOViE (MM)會員折扣、bc VIP會員及MOViE MOViE (MM)會員積分買一送一優惠、所有信用卡折扣優惠、贈券、貴賓券、百老匯院線換票証、美國運通電影禮券不適用於:MOViE MOViE Pacific Place - The Oval Office、MOViE MOViE ...

  2. Address: 5/F Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Hong Kong. HK$10 service charge per ticket on any purchase via www.cinema.com.hk & Broadway Circuit App. bc VIP members and MOViE MOViE (MM) members discount, bc VIP members and MOViE MOViE (MM) members buy-1-get-1-free offer with bonus points, all credit card discount, complimentary ticket, VIP ...

  3. 想知今天百老匯 MOViE MOViE Cityplaza (太古城)的上映電影、時間及售票情況?. 還有沒有好位置?. wmoov為你提供最新的百老匯 MOViE MOViE Cityplaza (太古城)電影上映時間及售票情況,去百老匯 MOViE MOViE Cityplaza (太古城)有咩電影睇,上wmoov即刻就知!.

  4. 百老匯院線覆蓋香港、九龍及新界各區,每間戲院均有不同的設計風格,及配有先進的數碼影院設備,為觀眾提供極盡完美的電影視聽享受及觀影環境。.

  5. www.mclcinema.com › MCLCinemaMCL Cinema

    MCL Cinema offers a diverse selection of movies with high-quality audio-visual equipment and comfortable seating.

  6. 為了推廣文化生活概念,MOViE MOViE Cityplaza跳出傳統框框,院內除了設有MOViEMAXX頂級放映及音響技術影廳外,場內的House by Kubrick更給觀眾帶來邊歎咖啡,邊欣賞電影的藝文空間。.

  7. HKIFF UA Cinema > UA Cityplaza. UA Cityplaza. 5/F Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Taikoo Shing, Island East. Other Cinemas. Please visit HKIFF's official site for film details.

  8. 2018年1月11日 · Movie Movie Cityplaza offers audiences an eclectic film programming that’s a little less mainstream. A go-to spot for film festival screenings and re-runs of classic movies, Movie Movie is also...

  9. MOViE MOViE 太古廣場. 營業時間. 11:30 am - 9:00 pm. (852) 2388 0002. MOViE MOViE為首家標誌著電影文化生活概念的戲院品牌,全球搜羅人氣電影、影展得獎鉅獻及提供獨家文化活動。 戲院設有六個影廳,提供581個座位,特效廳MM PLUS配備激光放映機、環迴音響設備及RealD PWS銀幕。 另設16座貴賓廳THE OVAL OFFICE,首推「My Favourite MOViE」私人自選放映服務,提供總統式觀影體驗。 前往商戶網站. 環球影院 - 現正上映. The Oval Office. 於太古廣場MOViE MOViE欣賞一場極緻的觀影體驗. 太古廣場MOViE MOViE. 了解更多. 位置. 停車場. 代客泊車服務. 位置.

  10. MOViE MOViE Cityplaza. 5/F Cityplaza. A brand new cinema concept, MOViE MOViE, comprises six wide screen houses and a well-furnished VIP house, with state of the art technology to deliver a fully immersive cinematic experience for movie lovers.

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